Thursday, October 10, 2013

Where Is Zone 16?

Wednesday night worship ended with all the alarms going off.  It does add a new dimension to worship although it is not one you probably would want.  So the fire trucks come and we begin looking for the fire.  Zone 16.  Anyone know where zone 16 is?  Nope.  No one.  No one could tell us where the panel was sending us.  It reminded me of the phrase, "all dressed up and no where to go!"

So where is zone 16 in your life?  The alarm is going off.  You hear it whether anyone else hears it.  There is a place in your life where you know you need help.  For some reason you will not go there.  Or maybe you are searching and wondering where to go.  Sometimes we fail to heed the alarm because there is fear about where that will lead us.  A crummy present seems better than a  fearful tomorrow.

Jesus sounded the alarm in many people's journey.  He challenged them to go to new places and new spaces.   A wee little man in the tree was called down and Jesus had lunch with him.  Then he became a man with greater vision and larger compassion.  A tax collector was invited to follow.  The tax collector instead of robbing people of their life gave them life. A slave trader changed the chords of his life with the assurance of Amazing Grace. 

Jesus does that in our world.  When Scripture is read, it challenges us. It sounds the alarm in our world where things need to be changed.  Places where the old wine skins cannot hold the new wine.  Places where the only way the celebration of life can continue is to invite Jesus to change the water into wine--fine wine!

Too often we find ourselves in zone 16 when the crisis of life is already upon us.  We are ill prepared the meet the challenge.  The alarm has been sounding but we have done nothing.  We find ourselves in reactive mode instead of being able to craft a response.

Today is the day.  Find zone 16!  Let Jesus come into that space where the alarm is sounding and make it holy ground.  

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

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