Thursday, February 13, 2014


So it is almost Valentine's Day. 

Relationships are precious jewels in our life.  Significant other relationships are the most precious jewels that we can possess.  Sadly enough, sometimes these relationships receive the leftovers of time and energy.  May I share some thoughts with you?

Intimate relationships require work and energy.  We like to think they do not, but the reality is just the opposite.  At the end of the day when you have worked all day, you simply must find time to do some more work.  It means doing the little things.  It means taking the time to talk.  You understand this.   In our day we confuse physical proximity with intimacy.  One can be present physically and yet very far away emotionally and spiritually.

Intimate relationships require clear communication.  I urge people to make a list.   Make a list of ten ways that you are loved.  Give it to your significant other.  You are responsible for teaching them how you want to be loved.  You will hear them say, "I never knew...."  Call it a dummy sheet.  Call it a cheat sheet.  But you will call it in the end clear communication.

Identify and stay clear of people that threaten your primary relationship.   Misery loves company.  People who are miserable in intimate relationships love to bring others down as well.  If you hang out with people who constantly gripe about their significant other, you will find that sooner or later you will join the gripe club.  There are people in the world who see it as a challenge to destroy good relationships.   Just say to yourself, "I love my spouse too much to hang out with folks like this."  Guard this precious jewels as you would any other valuable asset in your life.

Cherish and nurture your friendship with your loved one.  Someone said, "It is not the lack of love that has destroyed relationships.  It is the lack of friendship."  Before you became what you are today, you were friends.  Do the things that brought you together.  Date!  Laugh! 

Learn to say, "I am sorry" and "I forgive you."  These are the most important words you can say.  Let go of grudges.  Refuse to drink from the river of bitterness and resentment.  Ask for and give the gift of forgiveness.  It will only bring you closer to one another.

Celebrate something each day!  Celebrate little things.  Celebrate big things.  Become your significant other's best cheerleader!  

Pray for one another.  For years now, Mandy and I have had prayer cards that direct us to pray for each other.  She keeps hers on the kitchen sink.  I keep mine in the bathroom.  I wonder what that says about us!  However, each day we are reminded to pray for each other.  We have a prayer book (A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie) that we each read from.  Whether we are together or apart, our prayers are one!   Let God work in your life.

Mark Twain tells the story of Adam after the death of Eve.  Adam is filled with sorrow and yet joy.  He is remembering the blessings of Eve's life.  And then he says this wonderful line,  "Where ever Eve was, Eden was."  May your  days be filled with the jewels of Eden!

Happy Valentines Day!

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Dr. Jack O'Dell

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