Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Are You Overwhelmed?

So this week I am at a Stephen Ministries Leadership Training event.  Stephen Ministries is a wonderful expression of equipping lay persons to do skilled ministry.  Churches who utilized this system have a high degree of care.  But I have to tell you I am overwhelmed.

The system has a MOUNTAIN of paperwork and files.  I am sure that the person who developed this is a type A person with another dose or two of type A added.    The manual just by itself is 35 lbs.  There are more folders with all the subsets and color coded for your ease.  In addition to this there is the handouts and even more handouts.   We have killed a whole forest (or two!).  Being overwhelmed is paralyzing!  

What about you?  Have you been or are you overwhelmed?

For some the feeling comes from work.  The tasks just seem to stack up.  The interruptions keep you from getting some things done.  Or maybe the internal expectations of perfection weigh you down.  Then there are those who are working in places where they have not been adequately trained.   One keeps trying and trying only to find it more difficult. 

Or maybe it is family that overwhelms you.  There is not a training manual with family.  Raising kids most of the time is trial and error.  When the hard times come, it is easy to beat yourself up.  Then  the expectation from spouse can be overwhelming.  You work all day and then come home to find that the work is still to be done--housework, relationship work, etc.  Marriage is sometimes hard work.  In the good times, marriage requires time.  

Friendships can be overwhelming.  You want to care and be there for those around you.  But some friendships are just labor intensive.  Other friendships are overwhelming in the sense that you receive so much.  

But today I want to remind you of another gift that can overwhelm you.  It is the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  Grace is abounding.  It is overflowing.  God's grace meets you right where you are.  God's grace meets you with all your imperfections--warts, weight, and all.  And God's grace wants you to know that you are loved and not alone.  Spend some time and let the grace of God overwhelm you. 

I do not remember where I heard it but it makes sense to me.  Someone told me that every time this person is showering, this person would just let the water flow overhead and all over.  This is what God's grace is---overflowing, refreshing, washing, and cleansing.  Bask in the grace of God.  Let it over whelm you!

Pray for me as I Pray for you

In the Master's Name,


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