Wednesday, May 22, 2013

God Does Not Will Tragedies

The tragedy of the tornadoes in Oklahoma brings the God question again.  Where is God when such things happen?  Why does God allow such things?  Does God do this to teach us?  Was God having a bad day and decided to take it out on humanity?

There was a time when humans did not understand as much about our universe as we do today.  The current thought was that the earth was flat.  The sun revolved around the earth.  Sickness was seen as a punishment by God.  God was responsible for everything that happens on this earth—human decisions, catastrophes, etc. 

As time passed humans discovered what was there all along.  We made and continue to make discoveries that gives us better and more accurate information.  For example, genes did not suddenly appear in the human body.  It just took us this long to find them!  I imagine the conversation in heaven might have gone like this—“Hey look, they finally discovered genes.  It took them long enough!”

As time has passed, we have learned that God in giving us free will allows things to happen.  The conditions of the earth come together and tornadoes are formed.  There is human life lost due to the state of the universe.   Disease is a consequence of human life.  Tragedies are born out of the choices that human beings make.

So let us be clear.  The tornadoes that took human life and property were not punishing anyone.  God is not mad at creation.  God did not take the life of a child to teach someone else.  Life just happens.  As Jesus of Nazareth said, “It rains on the just and the unjust.” 

But we must not stop here.  God is not an indifferent observer of such things.  God chooses to be present.  God chooses to suffer with creation.  God chooses to be affected by the hurts of humanity.  It is out of this presence that good things come into being when tragedies occur.    God moves the hearts of the nation to reach out and care for one another.  God invites us to be united into God’s community (kingdom) in moments like this.  In the tragedies of life, God sends us to one another in the name of another one who was fully human and fully God—Jesus. 

Good is able to come out of all evil and tragedies in life because God is at work in you and me.  This is what it means to be in the will of God.  Make sure you are a part of the good will (or God’s will) during tragedies.
Pray for me as I pray for you.

Dr. M. Jack O’Dell

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