Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Continue the Celebration!

It is graduation season.  It is a time to celebrate.

Moms and Dads can remember the years--good and bad!  There were years where school went well.  It might not have been an honor roll year, but it went well given your child's ability.  These were the years of great achievement.  For some it was achievement in sports, arts, or academics.  For others it was where you saw your child make good friends and keep them.

Then there were those other years.  You watched as your child struggled.  Some of the struggles were just growing up.  It is such a helpless feeling to see your child struggle in the social arena.  We all want to be liked.  All children at one time or another struggles with their friend relationships.  People let you down.  Others watched their child struggle in academics, arts, or sports.  It may have been a difficult concept to grasp or an injury.  These are the years of prayer and perseverance.

So now there is a cap and gown.  Maybe an honor cord or certificate.  But always a smile.  The one that is graduating remembers.  The graduate remembers those who have taught them and those who have caught them!  The focus is now looking forward.  You can already here them say, "I can't wait for....."  Some will be going to received education or training.  Others will be in the job.  Either way, life is good!  The journey has taken a new direction.

Celebrations are so important.  Sometimes  in our hurried culture, we forget to celebrate.  We are off to the next task--the next step.  Celebrations are an excuse to stay where you are for a moment longer.  It is the realization that this place or this space needs to be continued as it is---to celebrate.  Celebration is allowing the community to enjoy the accomplishment with a sense of joy.

It should not seem strange to realize that Jesus of Nazareth performed his first miracle at a celebration.  The wine has run out.  The celebration will end.  Mary, his mother, would not even think of it.  She knew that Jesus could keep the celebration on the high note.  In fact, as time passed, it would only continue to get better.

So the water was turned into wine.  The celebration continued reaching an even higher note.  And the glory of God was revealed.  You see, when God's people are glorified, God takes it as a personal compliment!


Pray for me as I pray for you.

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