Wednesday, September 28, 2011

God Wants All of You

The truth is that most of us would like to be seduced.

I think it is a part of the human nature. Seduction is being lead astray or won over. It is the subtle art of persuasion. Sometimes it is not so subtle. Sometimes it is so subtle we do not even recognize it until it is too late.

Eve was seduced by two things. It was the appearance of the fruit of the tree along with the suggestions of the serpent. Talking snakes are dangerous. Notice that one of them is visual and the other is verbal. What we see is able to lure us or persuade us as well as what we hear. But the old adage is true: it was not the pear in the tree but the pair on the ground.

There are some of us that would live in the illusion that we are never seduced. We like to maintain that we are independent of such nonsense. To fall into the trap of seduction would be a weakness. Usually these folks are surrounded by the newest gadgets of the day. No evidence of seduction there huh?

Power is seductive. Usually power appears in our business track of life. It is coercion to move away from our values. "If you do this it would not be a good career move." or "If you don't do this, you will not be considered for that next big promotion." The next promotion may cost you more than you think. But everybody else is doing it so why should I be different?

Then there is God. God is trying to seduce you into a love relationship. Although God does not use all the most sleek and gorgeous things or people. God uses an old rugged cross. And God will not settle for just a part of you in this relationship. God wants all of you. Like the covenant of marriage, God wants your faithfulness--all of it.

To be captured by this seduction will change you life. The force that changes you is love. It is love that is unconditional. It is a love that will not let go. It is a love that seduces you into a life of sacrifice filled with joy.

The world only wants your money. The serpent only wants to watch you fall. God wants all of you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You Can Be Emotionally Well

Emotions are a gift from God. It is what makes us uniquely human. The difficulty with emotions is that like any other gift from God, they can be abused or misused. But you can be emotionally well.

Now there are some of God's children who need help with their bodies' makeup to be well. There is in imbalance in terms of how their bodies function. If this is true, it is wise to use the medical knowledge of our day. To not use this, is to miss out on one of the gifts from God. It does not make one weaker.

For most of us, the ability to control our emotions has to do with controlling our thoughts. I say this often to my congregation because I believe it to be one of the most important statements I can make as a pastor. Thoughts give birth to emotions. Emotions give energy to actions. Actions determine our destiny.

Have you found yourself thinking something and therefore feeling strongly about something. Then you act only to find that you were misinformed in your thought! You thought that your friend said something about you. You were hurt. Out of being hurt, you did something to express your hurt. Then you find out you were wrong. But the damage is done.

Paul wrote in his writings often about having the mind of Christ. A part of the Christian growth is to develop this mind of Christ--through prayer, study of scripture, worship. Once the mind of Christ is functioning, then one begins to feel like the love of Christ. You fall in love with God. That love permeates all of life's relationships. You find yourself acting very differently in all of life.

Do you see how this is so differently from conventional worldly wisdom? Instead of people making you feel a certain way, you are at the controls of your emotional wellness. You can be emotionally well!

A woman had been beaten down by the world. She believed everything the demons of life had told her. She was a failure no matter what she tried to do. She believed the lie that she was not attractive. She wept often in the loneliness of her life until one day she chose to believe differently. Yes--believe differently. She began to believe that she was loved. She believed she was special. She believed she was capable. As time passed, each day she changed her thoughts. She filled her mind with scripture. She became a new person. She became instead of an emotional wreck a beautiful woman created in the confidence of Christ. Her whole world changed.

You too can be emotionally well--it begins with the mind of Christ. Fill your thoughts with the good words of God!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You Can Get Better

"It is going to be the same. However you are going to get better!"

We began our griefshare group last Sunday night. It is a place where those who have lost loved ones--husbands, wives, sons, daughters, mothers, sisters--come to experience the healing of God. These were the words that I shared. The one they loved will not come back. The reality of the death will not change. But you are going to get better.

It has almost been two years since my sister, Sharon died suddenly. She walked into the hospital on a Friday evening and within 24 hours her life was gone. The music stopped.

Sharon was one of the most naturally talented musicians I have ever known. If you could hum it, she could play it in any key on the piano. In fact one of the things she did was play the hymn, Holy Holy Holy changing keys with every holy. If you had any musical ear at all, it would make your skin curl. She would play it for those with no musical ear and they would say, "How nice!" We would chuckle. She had a beautiful soprano voice. Music filled her life as she filled others life with music as well.

I found out that she was in the hospital only hours before she died. It was too quick. There were things we were still going to do as brother and sister. There were words that were meant to be said; moments still left to be shared. And yet, there was nothing I could do to change the reality of her death.

But I am better--most of the time. There are times when I remember both of my sisters who have passed away with great fondness. It is almost as though they are still alive--for they are-- in my living memories. These memories bring life to me.

Then there are times when there is what one of my friends describes as a hole in the heart. Sadness is all around me. It encompasses me. Sometimes it paralyzes me but only for a while. It comes when I hear a particular song or a random thought enters my head. But now I am better. Time has made me better.

In the coming weeks, my family will have a family wedding. Both of my sisters will not be there, but then they will be. They will be remembered and missed. We will laugh and cry. We will remember.

The loss of a loved one is something that never changes. However you can get better. Grief is best cared for when it is shared. It takes time. It is a unique journey that has some common trails where people meet. Resist the temptation to be strong and go it alone. Worship your way through the loss of a loved one.

I think this is what Jesus meant when he talked about giving peace in John 14. It is not the peace that the world gives, but a heavenly peace. It is this heavenly peace that has helped me get better.

You too, can get better.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Throw The Flag!!

Well it is football season again. For some it is the best time of the year. For others it is a time that their spouse, friend, or co worker goes missing in action. Unfortunately during this season, some forgo their religious habits for a lesser god. One man prayed, "Whatever you do Lord, just do not come during the fourth quarter of the game!"

I have a brother in law who loves football games to yell at the referees. He has been kicked out of more sporting events than some have attended. I always urged him to become a referee. He quickly dismissed it as he thought it would be embarrassing to yell at himself or a colleague.

There are some penalties that should be called in the church setting. See if you can recognize these in your church. When you see them, carry a yellow flag and throw the flag!!!

Too Many Men on the Field--the attempt by a family who insists on sitting on one pew that is built for fewer people. Or if you use chairs, the chairs are put in the aisle with no regard for the walking space needed.

Illegal Use of Hands--the "hugger" of the church who insists on hugging EVERYONE, even though who prefer to keep their personal space.

Holding-What most do with the offerings! Compare what those season tickets cost with your offering.

Illegal Receiver Downfield-a child that escapes from parents to run down the aisle. Everyone usually laughs but the parents who crawl underneath the carpet or chair. Moms usually look at Dads like, "it is your job to keep the little heathen in tow!" Dads have a blank stare--they were daydreaming about the game this afternoon.

Offsides-When someone moves from their regular side of the worship space to sit on the other for no apparent reason.

Offensive Pass Interference--When one is caught by the complaining or gossiping church member as you attempt to leave the church. This person has to tell you all the things that is wrong with the pastor, the choir, the nursery, the parking lot, your neighbor, Congress, city government, and the list goes on. This is offensive behavior to the body of Christ!

Roughing the Passer/Kicker-Criticism of the pastor or church staff in inappropriate words and places. Usually happens when the pocket that is to protect has failed.

Whatever you do during this season, do not be tempted to serve a lesser god. Football is a season. Keep proper perspective. Keep the faith and you will enjoy the seasons of life AND life everlasting.