Wednesday, September 28, 2011

God Wants All of You

The truth is that most of us would like to be seduced.

I think it is a part of the human nature. Seduction is being lead astray or won over. It is the subtle art of persuasion. Sometimes it is not so subtle. Sometimes it is so subtle we do not even recognize it until it is too late.

Eve was seduced by two things. It was the appearance of the fruit of the tree along with the suggestions of the serpent. Talking snakes are dangerous. Notice that one of them is visual and the other is verbal. What we see is able to lure us or persuade us as well as what we hear. But the old adage is true: it was not the pear in the tree but the pair on the ground.

There are some of us that would live in the illusion that we are never seduced. We like to maintain that we are independent of such nonsense. To fall into the trap of seduction would be a weakness. Usually these folks are surrounded by the newest gadgets of the day. No evidence of seduction there huh?

Power is seductive. Usually power appears in our business track of life. It is coercion to move away from our values. "If you do this it would not be a good career move." or "If you don't do this, you will not be considered for that next big promotion." The next promotion may cost you more than you think. But everybody else is doing it so why should I be different?

Then there is God. God is trying to seduce you into a love relationship. Although God does not use all the most sleek and gorgeous things or people. God uses an old rugged cross. And God will not settle for just a part of you in this relationship. God wants all of you. Like the covenant of marriage, God wants your faithfulness--all of it.

To be captured by this seduction will change you life. The force that changes you is love. It is love that is unconditional. It is a love that will not let go. It is a love that seduces you into a life of sacrifice filled with joy.

The world only wants your money. The serpent only wants to watch you fall. God wants all of you.

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