Friday, November 8, 2013

Losing Rhythm

Life gets out of rhythm more quickly than we can imagine. 

This is a great example.  I woke up this morning (Friday) and realized that I have not written Manna.  Now it would be easy to "blame" many things--work, illness, the dog, family, neighbor, and the list goes on.  Our world does that.  Somebody else is the reason that my life is out of sync.  

Many times our life gets out of rhythm or balance because we get distracted.  In a recent visit with my grand kids, I watched them trying to get ready for school in the morning.  There were so many distractions--books, TV, people, etc.  Their mom was constantly calling them back to the task of eating breakfast or putting clothes on.  Adults do this as well.  We find ourselves distracted by life's worries, daydreams (do you still do this--I do!), and sometimes even beauty!

Songs without a constant rhythm are difficult to sing--at least with others.  They speed up and then slow down.  Musicians who work at music use a metronome on a regular basis to keep the art of rhythm.  A variation of rhythm adds drama and emphasis in the world of arts.  But then one either returns to a constant or the song ends.

Rhythm in your body is pretty important.  Erratic breathing or erratic heart beats are not good.  In fact, medication is needed when this persists.  Loss of rhythm in bodily functions can take your life.  Usually they are symptoms of other problems within the system.

Maybe all of this talk about rhythm leads us to our relationship with God as well.  It is interesting to read the life of Jesus and see how many times he disappeared from the crowds and the disciples.  His rhythm of spiritual discipline required him to spend time in prayer and being with God.  There is great power in having a regular "touchstone" in your life's journey.  Regular places and holy spaces where you regain perspective, power, and even position.  

The Psalmist says, "Be still and know..." (Psalm 46:10)  Sometimes in life to gain rhythm, you just have to stop and start all over again.    

If you are finding yourself not getting as close to God as you want, guess who has moved away?  Not God.    God invites us into a constant rhythm with God.  More constant than your heart beats and even more constant than the air you breathe.    

Keep that rhythm and the good things in life will be done.  

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

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