Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why Ya Gotta Be So Mean?

My play lists on my IPhone is pretty diverse.  There is a Beachboys favorites list.  Of course, Harry Chapin and James Taylor are there in many forms.  It is filled with Christian music as well.  Somewhere Over the Rainbow with the ukulele and the Hawaiian guy that sings so lightly is there.   A couple of instrumentals can be found.  I have lately become a fan of Taylor Swift.  I saw her perform her song, "Mean" on television one night and I was hooked.

The lyrics in the song, Mean at one point says, "All ya ever gonna be is mean". At another point in the song the question is asked, "Why ya gotta be so mean?"

Do you know people who are just mean spirited?

Today as I was driving to the church there was a huge tortoise crossing the road.  It had almost made it across the road.  As I passed I laughed and admired its perseverance.  The journey must have begun very early for him and he was almost there!  Until....

One of those jumbo suped up trucks was in my rear view mirror coming fast.  It was one of those trucks that you would have to have a rope ladder to get in it.  Grandma would never make it.  And if she ever got IN the truck, she would have to parachute our!  And I almost cried when I saw what happened.  The driver of the big truck showed me how small he was.  He is a coward.  He swerved to the other side of the road to run over the tortoise.  Why?  Why ya gotta be so mean?

I slowed down wanting him to pass me so that I could take a picture of his license plate.  I thought I would message it or text it to God.  Not the God of mercy and love, but the  God of justice.  He would not pass me.  In fact, he slowed down so as to fall farther back from me.  He knew I saw his cowardly act.  What possible joy could one get in such an action?  Why ya gotta be so mean?  All ya ever gonna be in mean.

Mean spirited people are small persons who like to appear big.  They crush the helpless and prey on the hopeless.  Mean spirited people are not what God intended them to be.  They are lost.  They may in fact appear to be mighty and powerful, but they are not.

Why ya gotta be so mean?  By the time I write this, I am confronted my own mean spirit.  Yes, sometimes I am tired, hungry, stressed etc. and I can be mean.  I would hope that the difference in my meanness is that I have learned to confess it.  I hope I have learned to make amends.    I want not to make myself different but to ask God to transform me.  I need a Savior.  I cannot do it on my own.  It is what God can when I open my spirit before God.

What about you? Why ya gotta be so mean?  Taylor keeps singing about me and she doesn't even know it.

Pray for me as I pray for you.

1 comment:

  1. My husband has been known to rescue animals in need. He once stopped for a mama possum that had been run over I asked what are you doing he said she has babies. He took the live ones home, and tried to keep them alive, and cried over each one as it passed. My daughter followed in his footsteps. She has rescued many. She once took a wounded animal wrapped up in her coat to a vets office. Wish I could have been there when they unwrapped it, and it was a buzzard. They said honey we dont work on those here.
