Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Do Not Miss This Moment!

only son died.
The only son died.
Death is a hard pill to swallow. And yet, we speak in some instances of a welcomed death. A person has lived a long life or the suffering has been too much to handle. The death of a child never seems to be good. It seems to be untimely or out of order. It is a pill that never seems to be swallowed. Instead it consumes us.
This son chose to die.
To choose death is out of order as well. It is within the normal ranges of human life to keep one's life. Choosing death shows passion that is not the norm. Choosing death many times is to choose life for others.
The son died at the hands of others.
On the back of my phone is a piece of paper held there by tape. On the paper is the name of Dylan Hockley, one of the children killed in the senseless tragedy of last year. On good days I look at that name and pray for his family and friends. I wonder about them—how they are doing, etc. On my bad days, I remember that my days are not really that bad. They are simply days of discomfort for me. Others are having bad days. My days are still good. For some reason, the death of this child will not leave me nor do I want it to leave me.
The death of the son gives life!
There is a wonderful story of a man who owned some of the most valuable art pieces of the world. The man's son died in a tragic accident at a young age. The man's grief was overwhelming. The father died and left directions in his will to sell all of his art collection. The world was excited about the auction to be held as there had never been so much valuable art offered on a single day. The day of the auction, the room was filled with people from all over the world. The room was filled with the great masterpieces of all time. The auction began with the presentation of a rather crude self portrait drawing obviously made by the man's son. No one bid as the opening bid was called for. Finally, one person bid $25 so that "the real art works could be presented!" The auctioneer pleaded for more bids but no one else would bid. The crowd was becoming restless with the actions of the auctioneer. The auctioneer reluctantly sold the child drawing with only one bid. No one hardly noticed the cry of "Sold!" Then the startling words were heard, "And that concludes our sale today!" The room went into a panic! Wait! What about the other pieces of art? Then the auctioneer read the words of the man's will, "The one who takes the child gets them all."
This week, the son died. His name is Jesus. He died for you to know the riches of this life and life eternal. Do not miss this moment.
Pray for me as I pray for you.

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