Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

Human beings are fragile. We do not like to admit it but we are. Our insecurity seeks to find security in knowing that we are like others. We want others to think like we think. We want others to believe the same things we believe. When we discover our differences, we can become frightened or even angry. But there is another alternative.

Keep your eyes on Jesus.

The disciples are in the boat and a storm arises. They are afraid. Probably some of them began looking for someone to blame. "Who's idea was it to take this stupid boat? " You know the routine.

Then they look out and see Jesus. Jesus is walking on the water! The waves do not frighten him at all. In fact, he speaks to the waves and they cease. So Rocky (Peter) decides he wants to be like Jesus. He wants to walk on water. Jesus invites him out. Can you imagine Peter stepping out of that boat? I would guess that he was holding on to something or someone just to make sure he was not going down. Sure enough, Rocky walks on water until…..

He begins to sink. Why? Because he takes his eyes off of Jesus! To walk on water, one has to keep focus on Jesus! Nothing can distract you. Nothing can get your attention. To do the great things in faith, keep your eyes on Jesus!

The unity of the church is not made because everyone thinks the same way. In fact, the church is at its best when diverse people and voices are present! The best music is not when everyone sings melody. It is found when the harmonies are present. The unity of the church is known through Jesus. Jesus brings us together. Jesus unites us into the kingdom of God!

For some this is a frightening thought because you have to put up all "those" brothers and sisters who are different. You mean God loves "them" too? Yes! "Those" people are a part of the family.

So during the days of change and angst, keep your eyes on Jesus. When you are walking on water (doing what you never thought possible!) keep your eyes on Jesus. And for goodness sake, when Jesus says get out of the boat---GET OUT!

Pray for me as I pray for you!

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