Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Join the Conspiracy of Love and Mercy.

I have just finished reading the books, Killing Lincoln and Killing Kennedy. They are recent publications regarding the assassination of two Presidents of the United States. I would recommend for your reading. I never knew there were so many conspirators or possible conspirators.

There is a conspiracy at work now. Did you know that?

There are weekly sometimes even daily meetings being held. The conspiracy is to overthrow this world. The conspiracy is radical. It calls people to do radical things, even to follow a radical leader. To join this conspiracy will cost you your life. You are going to have to give your time, money, and everything to join it. There are some who believe in this conspiracy while others deny its existence and its power. The denial does not change the minds of those who are in the conspiracy though.

It is the conspiracy of grace and love as known through Jesus Christ.

I have often wondered what would happen if this conspiracy were more active. What would it be like if a group of people who really cared about a person would conspire to show them the love and grace of Jesus Christ? What would happen if a person became overwhelmed by the expression of love and grace by the world around them? What would happen to this world if Christian conspired to change this world, not with harsh antics or words but with love and grace? Now there are some within the conspiracy who want to take the zealot approach as Peter did. But in that moment when Peter began his zealous reaction, Jesus called Peter Satan! Now there are not many places where Jesus calls people Satan in the Bible so maybe that ought to be a warning.

Join the conspiracy of Jesus Christ. It is a conspiracy to love and extend mercy to the world that is sometimes so lost. It is a conspiracy to find the one who is lost, the coin that is lost, and welcome home the prodigal who comes homes having lost everything he was given. It is a conspiracy that requires us to be only what God could make us instead of what we make ourselves.

And when I die within this conspiracy, I shall live—forever!

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