Thursday, January 15, 2015

Are You a Risk Taker?

Risk is defined  the potential of losing something of value.   I like to think of myself of being a risk taker, but in reality I live a pretty safe life.  What about you?

One of the questions that came into focus for me when starting a new congregation was how many non church people I really came into contact with.    I came to the conclusion that as a preacher I could pretty much spend all of my time with church folks.  The truth is that most church members WANT the preacher to spend most of his/her time with church folks.  After all,  they ARE members.    For a week I charted the conversations I had with strangers, non church folks, and members.  Yup,  you guessed it.  Church folks won out big time.  
As a result of that I began to think of ways to have contact with the outside world.  I found out that my risk factor was lower than I thought.    I was not sure of what I was losing, but I knew that I was not winning.  

Then I dared to ask the question of risking with church folk.  How could I engage church folk in a way that stepped into the "unsafe" world? It is the world where you challenge prejudice and oppression.  You stop laughing at jokes that are oppressive.  It is the world where you engage people in serious conversations of faith.  I soon became aware of the possibility of great loss.   

The other day I went to my financial adviser for my annual review.  His question---how much risk are you willing to take?  The greater rewards also involve greater risks.  No risk brings little rewards.  I certainly did not want to be foolish!

Harry Denman was a Methodist preacher in the early part of the 20th century.  He challenged people to live a simple life   He brought the message of Christ to all people.  Denman's evangelistic zeal defined evangelism and still impacts our church today.  The story is told that at one of his gatherings he was preaching a rather vigorous message that called for great risk for the sake of the Gospel  At the end of his sermon, he was handed a piece of paper with one word on it--"FOOL!"  Denman was known for his great wit.  He responded by saying, "It is a miracle.  I have had many many letters written to me where people have forgotten to sign their name.  But tonight, I received a note where someone has signed their name and forgot to write the message!"

Paul in the letter to the new Christians in Corinth proclaims that he will be a fool for Christ!   Men and women of great faith seem foolish to many.    The greater loss is seen in not presenting the Gospel! 

I think Jesus modeled for us risky behavior.  He was on the "edge" of society.  He hung out with the wrong crowd.  He said the right things regardless of popular religion.  Jesus did not live a safe life.  Now I can hear some of you saying, "...but he was Jesus!"  Yes he was!    
So all of this is to ask you where is God calling you to greater risk?

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

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