Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Be the heart with Hands.

The past few days have brought back some memories from Katrina days. In some ways it is a difficult time remembering. In other ways it is a challenging time.

One of the images that came from Katrina for me was a heart with hands. Yeah, I know it is a weird image in some ways. But what people need during some times of rebuilding are hands. The heart is just not enough. It reminds me of the call that you would hear aboard a naval ship, "All hands on deck!" In a hospital setting, the word, "STAT" is heard. It means there is a sense of urgency. It is a way of saying, "Get off your duff and get with the program!" Rebuilding is not a spectator sport.

The other lesson we learned from Katrina was that good hands can be overwhelmed by the work ahead. In the beginning when teams would come to help, they would be sent out in teams of 4 – 6 persons. What we found is that number was too few. The overwhelming task drained the energy from the group. We learned to send groups of 10 -15 to one site. The size of the group provided enough energy towards the project that the work would continue. It was important to show progress quickly. Then the task did not seem too great.

There is often great good that can come from great struggles in life. For example, a group of doctors during the Korean War began to chart the length of recovery from surgery for patients that had to be moved quickly. The research showed that the quicker you moved the patient after surgery, the recovery time was shorter. So no longer do patients just lie around after surgery like they used to do. The doctors have you moving as quickly as possible. We learned this from war surgeons.

The good that can come from storms is when our hearts and hands reach out. You can spend time helping others during the difficulties of recovery. You can serve God by serving others. Acts of compassion become contagious.

So open your heart to those in need with prayer. Pray daily for those who are struggling to get their life back in order. Then give your heart and prayers flesh. Make the word become flesh by offering your hands to help.

Pray for me as I pray for you.

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