Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Look Where You Walk

I do not like snakes. I know there are supposedly good snakes and bad snakes. I do not like either one of them near me.

It is no accident in my line of thinking that the fall of humanity began with a conversation with a snake. Talking snakes are probably worse than other snakes. My friends who play golf with me know that if they hit a golf ball in a "snaky" looking area. I will GIVE you a golf ball. We do not need to go look for that one.

So my wife and I are walking across the bridge just having a great conversation. All of a sudden, Mandy does the "snake" dance. You have seen it before. It is that little jig that one does when you are about to step on it or in it. It is a dance that is not done with anyone else in mind. Usually it is accompanied by some religious utterances asking for divine intervention.

The little snake (about two feet long) was curled up between the bridge and concrete just sunning away. You had to look to find the snake. Snakes can be sneaky. They love to blend in the environment. Now some would say that the snake was more afraid of us than we are of the snake. They obviously do not understand basic fear of snakes.

Being the good Christian leader that I am, every person I met on the way to the bridge was warned. There is a snake on the bridge. What I did not understand is that none of them turned around. What gives? Did they not hear me say, "There is a snake on the bridge!"??? To further confuse me, when I told the people in the building that there was a snake on the bridge, they did nothing as well. I immediately doubted their hospitality.

In our walk with God, we have to watch our step. The Lord warns Cain that "sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you." Genesis 4:6. The snakes talking and otherwise are ready to consume you. The seduction of the world is subtle. It is easy to not keep watch!

As Christian brothers and sisters, it is our obligation to one another to warn each other when the way ahead is dangerous. It is not enough to simply say each person is responsible for themselves. We carry one another's load. We urge each other to walk where God would have us walk. We look with each other as we walk.

Look where you are walking!

Pray for me as I pray for you!

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