Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Life is sacred

Life is sacred. Life is precious. It does not matter what end you are on.
Within the last 24 hours, I have experienced both ends of life. And I found God there. Or maybe I should say God found me.
Consider this. An elderly man has lived a vital life filled with energy and activity for over 90 years. And then, life takes its toll. He is living now only with the aid of life support. It in no way resembles the life that he enjoyed. The time has come to let life take its role.
It is a difficult time and yet it is clear. The exact time is very unclear. It may be minutes, hours, or even days. But we know that God is present. God does not leave God's children.
As I prayed with his son a deep sense of reverence fills my heart. Compassion for the sorrow and joy present abides in my soul. It is strange how one can experience joy and sorrow at one time. Life is sacred.
Then the day has finally come. We have prepared for it in so many ways. Caroline is going to make her arrival. My daughter and her husband are excited about the arrival of their second child--or should I say--my fourth grandchild. Everything is ready.
We circle around the bed as family and offer our prayers of thanksgiving. We offer prayers for the doctors, nurses, parents, --every one. Tears fill my eyes as I pray for my grandchild and her family. I am praying for me as well! Life is sacred.
As I hold Caroline in my hands, I am awe struck with the beauty of the child. A woman standing to the right of me at the window says, "I can not believe how pretty that baby is! I have grand kids but I don't believe they were that pretty!" Her daughter standing next to her says, "thanks mom!"

The beauty of it all is God's presence, God's gifts. Life is precious--at either end. Life is sacred.

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Masters Name,

Rev. Dr. M. Jack O'Dell
Lead Pastor, The Well UMC

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