Many folks practice a random discipline of prayer. Sound familiar? "Oh I pray. Sometimes in the car on the way to work. Sometimes when I see an ambulance or firetruck. Sometimes...." Think about that strategy in other areas of life that maintain your balance and health. "Oh sometimes I bathe. Sometimes I eat. Sometimes I exercise--(why our health struggles!) It simply is not adequate for good balance and good health.
I think the issue has at least two parts. First and foremost is time. There really is no magic dust for this. The bottom line is that we spend our time in areas that are important to us. Look at the use of your time and see what you value. If you are working 60 hours a week, your value is to get some kind of recognition in your work. You want to excel! Or you are really not very good in your work habits. Science now tells us that once you get to 55 hours a week, your productivity begins to fall drastically. Smart workers are better workers.
The second element is know how or methodology. This is where I want to share some thoughts. You will need a notebook, a place on your phone (I use my Reminders App) or a file on your desktop or laptop. Maybe this will encourage you or guide you into a more intentional prayer life.
Keep a list!
These are people that you are praying for---not THINKING about. PRAYING FOR! Listing will enable you to see their name and picture their face. You can pray for them to be at their best. Using that picture making ability of the mind is a gift. If you do not know them, you can picture other images of goodness and health. A list is a way to see answered prayers as well. The list is always dynamic and changing.
Intercessory prayer is listing and naming people before God. It moves us out of our own little world into the suffering of others. It is an invitation for God to enter into our world. Remember the story of Jesus healing the man on the bed that was dropped from the ceiling? The scriptures say that when Jesus saw the faith of his friends--the faith of his friends--the faith of the friends--he was moved with compassion and healed the man. Are you willing to be a friend that brings the hurts of other friends into the presence of Jesus, the Master Physician?
As you begin, start this area with about ten minutes of time.
As you are quiet before God, what enters your heart, mind, and soul? Listening can be initiated by the repetition of a scripture followed by moments of silence. For example, start with the opening line of Psalm 23, "the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want...." As you repeat this and then have silence. What is God saying to you about your wants? What want pops up? What area of "wants" is God inviting you to accept? What image of God shows up? If there is silence, do not be afraid of it. Wait. Listen. Sometimes friends have to sit for a while to speak. Sometimes it is the peace of silence that is our need.
If you continue in this discipline, you will begin to hear again and again the ares of your life that God is at work. I have found and believe that this practice gives me and will give you some direction in our life. The random thoughts are not just thoughts. They become inspirations--the urging of the Spirit of God in life. I have found that it is during this time that certain people have been brought to mind. I would make a note to call or write them. And sure enough, they needed a prayer or a word of encouragement.
As you begin, spend ten minutes of time here.
Count Your Blessings!
The old hymn says "Count your many Blessings, Name them one by one!" An attitude of blessings cultivates a life of thanksgiving. It will help you redefine what a blessing is! Some in this world only spend time thinking and complaining about what they don't have! The Christian life focuses upon what we do have and how God is at work in our world. Abraham was blessed by God in order to be a blessing to all who followed. Blessings sometimes is just the presence of God during the hard times as well as the good times.
I have cultivated the discipline of leaving people with these words: "Have a Blessed Day!" It is my way of encouraging others to see God in the midst of whatever happens.
Write the blessings down! Naming them will give you clarity. The day that you cannot name blessings is a cloudy day indeed.
So now the question becomes, "What are you willing to do?" Or will you give more intent in your prayer life. When Jesus was instructing the fisherman, he said, "Cast your nets into the deep water!" It was there that the disciples were overwhelmed by the catch. I urge you to do the same in your discipline of prayer--Go Deep!
Pray for me as I pray for you. I need your prayers! You need the discipline!
In the Master's Name,
Dr. M. Jack O'Dell
Another favorite Midweek Manna. Thanks, Jack!