Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Looking for the Lost

So I am going to remind you that I am not required to tell you all of the stupid things I do.  However, I go ahead and do it realizing that these things happen to you as well.  You just don't have to write about it.   

If you have read many of the Mannas, you have heard me talk about our dog, Lisa.  Lisa is really Noah's dog.  However, when Noah went to college and life thereafter, Lisa stayed with us. Somewhere it is written that dogs never leave home.  Lisa is about seventeen or eighteen years old.  Her old eyes are covered with cataracts.  I am not sure how much she sees, but it is getting worse each year.  I know that she still sees the doggie treat!  Lisa can no longer hear.   She can hear/feel the loud clapping of my hands.  Other than that, she is oblivious to the world.   Lisa will now let us vacuum her hair as she is no longer scared of the vacuum cleaner because she does not hear it.  She likes the feeling of the vacuum on her old tire bones.    Not too long ago Lisa was with us at our daughter Rachel's house.  Rachel's dog, Libby, would growl at Lisa when she would get too close.  Lisa never heard it.

Lisa and I are visiting mom and dad in Minden.   Lisa usually gets in Dad's chair once he leaves it.  It is the rocker of the one who rules the house.  I think she knows it is the throne of power.  There are times she makes Dad sit with her.  My dad is not into sharing his throne with anyone.

Lisa has been on the throne of power.  There have been people coming and going in the house.  I get to the point where it is time for us to go.  Lisa is no where to be found.  I search the house and clap my hands.  I still holler thinking she might hear.  No Lisa.  And then I panic.   My family is going to kill me if I lose Lisa.  I will never be able to sleep in comfort again.   I run outside clapping and searching for Lisa.  I ask Mom to check the house.

I begin driving down the street looking for Lisa.  Block by block I slowly go stopping to ask anyone that I see outside if they have seen my lost dog.  Mandy calls me and I have to tell her that I cannot find Lisa.  I am sure that she is now calling the funeral home to make arrangements for my demise.  

Then my cell phone rings.  It is mom.  "Lisa was on the couch!"  Now there was a part of me that was elated.  Then there was another part of me that was pretty angry.  Finally there was a part of me that laughed.  Lisa had snuggled down under the pillows on the couch.  She was sleeping--oblivious to my calls.  Finally she responded to Dad's whistle.   I can imagine her saying this---"Me, you looking fo rme?"  As I came into the house, there she was wagging her tail.  When I told Mandy where I had found her, she laughed.  I am not sure if she was laughing AT me or WITH me!  

I thought about how this teaches me about my journey with God.  When God is not where I think God ought to be, I begin to panic. I can begin to search in so many places.  I begin to think thoughts that are not healthy.  And then, someone else points me back to where God is--waiting for me.    Waiting for me to embrace the faith once again.  Sometimes in this process I feel silly.  Other times I feel alone.  Then finally I feel elated to be found by God!  

I do not have to tell you these silly stories of my life.  But I do--praying that they will encourage you!

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Rev. Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

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