I have enjoyed hearing Mommilies over the last few days. A "Mommily" is a saying that your mom said over and over to you. It is funny cause one day without even thinking YOU say them as a parent. Then you laugh.
The latest funny mommily I have heard is the mom that told her children in the early years of schooling, "if you are good at school Monday through Friday, you can stay home from school Saturday and Sunday!" The kids believed the mom! They thought that was how it worked--at least for a while.
I know of one mom that anytime the kids go to the Chinese place to eat, the fortune cookie that is read to the kids always says something about minding your parents or behaving. That will work for a while as well!
There are many blessings to being a mom. Watching your kids grow up and become all they can become. Hearing the laughter of children. One mom confided that her favorite children sound was the singing in the bathtub! Children bring so much to our world. I think that is why Jesus described the kingdom of God as being like a child.
But do not forget that being a mom is a struggle. There are so many demands--external and internal. There are times when you feel so inadequate. Kids do not come with a manual. I do not think it would make it any easier. There are some moms that just do not have it in them to mom. They struggle more than they celebrate. The world tells us to busy ourselves way too much. Too many games and activities to take kids to or attend. Too many things the world tells you that you need to buy into. Single moms find themselves so alone sometimes. For all of these moms, stop and pray.
Mother's Day is a day of rejoicing. But it is also a day of sadness and sorrow. I know of some people that withdraw from Mother's Day celebrations for one reason or another. I would encourage you to resist this temptation. There is much to be sought and celebrated on this day. Seek out the celebration. Let go of that which you cannot change nor bear. Give that to God!
A word of gratitude to all the mothers! Thanks! We love you! Teach us to love you more! Seek and Celebrate this weekend!
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