As a little boy I
learned a song. Maybe you did too!
“O be careful little mouth what you say! O be careful little mouth what you say!
For the Father up above is looking down in love
O be careful little mouth what you say!”
There were others verses about what you see and what you
In the news, there has been
much about hearing other’s conversations.
The news media loves to play this game.
The ability to “catch” someone is rampant in our world. We are constantly under the watch of cell
phones and cameras. It used to be easier
to deny. It was their word against
mine. Now it is replay. The denial becomes “I did not mean what I
said.” Or “rutrow!” (Shaggy Do talk for
“Ut oh!”)
But do you notice what the
song says? God is looking down in
love. God is NOT the critical parent
waiting to pounce on you. God is not
waiting to replay what you say to shame you.
I would suggest that God works out of a different emotion---love.
There are some that want you
to believe that God’s love is conditional.
God loves you when you are a good boy or good girl. You have to clean up your life to be
loved. God is up there writing down all
your sins so that they can be held against you.
God is waiting to show you!
Jesus told a wonderful story
about God’s love. God is the waiting father wanting the son to return. The son meets the father with words of shame
and regret. The father does not even spend time listening. The father overwhelms the son with love.
When someone loves you so much
you will not want to disappoint them or harm them. This becomes the motive for our actions and
behavior. I would never want to hurt
those who love me. The pleasure that I
would gain by sin is outweighed by the love that I receive.
When you are tempted, remember
how much you are loved.
Pray for me as I pray for you.
In the Master’s Name,
Rev. Dr. Jack O’Dell
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