Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of
your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what
is good and acceptable and perfect Romans 12:2
Are you busy? Are you too busy?
Most of us would say "Yes!" If someone were to call us and say, "What are you doing?" Most of us would be ashamed to say, "Nothing--I am doing nothing today!" If your boss comes into your work space and asks "What are you working on?" We would have a list of tasks that would legitimate our position.
Some of us are list people. You have made a list of all those things that you must do today. If you are a time management person, you have rated them on a scale of importance. I am going to make sure all the "1's" get done today.
Then there are the people who whine and complain about never having time. We all do it to some extent. There is a tendency to think that the reason some other people get important things done is that they have more hours in the day than we do. Or we are the victim of others "dumping" things on our plate to do.
The world will tell you that your existence is about doing. Do! Do! Do! Get going! Your value and your worth are determined by what you do! Once you cannot do anything you might as well die.
Now let me be clear. I am all about getting things done. But I believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Bible invites us to use a different standard. It is the standard of Being. Who you ARE is more important that what you DO!!!
Being requires us to be directed by the Spirit life. Being demands us to spend time in reflection and in Sabbath time (worship and rest). Being demands that we breath more and rest more. Being believes that our DOING is done better when we are well within. Being sees life as a marathon not a sprint.
The image of God in the journey freeing the Israelites from bondage is seen in the name God gives to Moses on the Holy Mountain. Moses asks God what name he should tell people when they asked what God has sent him. God answers, "I AM Who I AM." The better translation of the Hebrew is actually, "I WILL BE Who I WILL BE!" God's nature is in being. Being with us. Being around us! It is that nature of being that is withing us as well.
All of this is to say spend some time being today instead of doing. Just be with God. Just be with yourself. Just be with your family. Breath more. Talk less. Rest. Relax. Listen.
Pray for me as I pray for you.
In the Master's Name,
Dr. M. Jack O'Dell