Thursday, April 17, 2014

Experience the Unthinkable.

It is Thursday.   Not just any Thursday.  It is Holy Thursday.

It is the day that Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. 

During the time of Jesus washing feet was the work of servants.   It was hospitality.    The roads were dusty.  As one traveled, the feet would become quite dirty.  So as one entered the house, one of the servants would offer the guests a basin and water to wash  the feet.   The host would never wash the feet of the guests.  Only a servant would do such a thing. 

One of the last messages that Jesus gave to those who follow him was about doing the unthinkable.  For Jesus knew that the Gospel he had preached and the events of the days that followed were unthinkable for his disciples.

One of the obstacles to faithful discipleship is the attitude of "I am NOT going to do ...."  Sometimes it is the attitude of arrogance contrary to Christian humility.  The task seems to be beneath us and our dignity.   You want me to be a servant or a slave Lord?  The answer Jesus gives is "Yes!".

At other times it is about our perception of others.  Let's face it--there are people we do not like.  Okay maybe we just don't enjoy their presence.  No, let's be honest.  We do not like them.  We have marginalized them in our mind.  So this unthinkable Jesus wants us to reach out to them?  The answer is "Yes!"  Not only reach out to them, but SERVE them.   

The unthinkable Jesus then does what one just can not begin to believe.  He dies.  He dies a disgusting death while forgiving others.  And his disciples could not believe it.  It is so unthinkable that they scatter in fear.  They forget the power of the Gospel in the darkness of suffering and death.    Does that sound all too familiar even today?

We are slow to rejoice in sorrow and sadness. Our mind creates thoughts that are so far from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Maybe that is why it is so important for us to worship and meditate upon the cross from now until Sunday.  It is in the cross that we are reminded that Jesus came to give us a vision and experience of God that is unthinkable.  But while being unthinkable, it can be experienced.

Think about it.  Or better yet, think about the unthinkable.  Experience the unthinkable.  Become the unthinkable in your witness.

Pray for me as I pray for you.

Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

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