Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Read and Study the Bible

A boy noticed that his grandma spent more time reading the Bible than most people. He became concerned.  Finally one day he nudged his grandpa and said, "Grandpa, is Grandma cramming for her finals with God?"  

Or what about the little girl who proudly proclaimed to the entire congregation during the children's moment,  "Yes, we have a Bible in our house.  But no one ever reads it or even is allowed to touch it.  Momma will spank you hard if you do that!"

So be honest for just a moment--Do you read and study your Bible?

When I am asked to do a funeral, many times I will ask the family if the person that has died had a Bible.  If so, I ask if I can flip through it.  Sometimes the family tells me there is no Bible.  Other families will hand me a Bible that has evidently not been opened much.  There are no markings.  There is nothing that falls out of it.  

Then there are some Bibles that are full of information.  Scriptures are underlined.  Notes are written in the margins.  Inside there are clippings, scraps of paper, and even sermon notes that fall out.  The cover is worn out.  It obviously has been through many storms.  

What does your Bible say about how much you study or read it?

In our culture it is interesting that there are more available resources for reading and studying the Bible than in the history of humankind.  Yet, most churches have very poor results when offering a Bible study.  It is not the right time, place, topic,---you get the picture---there is some excuse.  

Bible study and prayer is the fuel that energizes the passion of faith.  It confirms the "why" of how we do what we do.  Without it we limp along in life.   A love affair with the Bible leads one into being a disciple.   

Let me encourage you in your daily reading of the Bible and your prayer life.  It will change you life.  

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Dr.  M. Jack O'Dell
Lead Pastor

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