Mysteries are by nature sought to be solved. There is something about the human spirit that seeks to answer the questions that are unanswerable. It just seems that there should be a clear cut answer to all of life.
I have a good friend that continues to search for the "Bigfoot" in parts of Louisiana and Texas. He will walk the densest forests by mule and take pictures of where he thinks this mysterious being has been. He has never seen the being, but seeks to solve the mystery.
There are definitely times of healing in our world. A doctor will use the most accurate machines to diagnose the disease. Pictures are taken of its evidence. The doctor can tell you how big it is, where it is located--almost every detail one can imagine. Days, weeks, or months will pass. The doctor will look again or even begin the procedure to remove the disease and it is nowhere to be found. It has mysteriously disappeared. The Great Physician has been at work! There are no scientific explanations.
In the Bible, it is interesting to look at the healing that Jesus of Nazareth performs and ask "whose faith heals?" There are times that Jesus is moved by his own love of people and he heals. Then there is the faith of the four friends lowering down their sick friend through the roof. Jesus sees their faith and heals. What difference would it make in your prayer life if you believed that your prayers might unleash the healing grace of God in a friend's life? The woman who touches the hem of Jesus' robe and is healed. It is her faith--the one who is ill that works the miracle. It is a mystery how God works.
Then there are the times when healing is seen through a different lens. The healing of God is when a loved one is released from the pain of this life. Some would argue that to think of such as a healing is absurd. However healing is by definition "to be made well or whole." And this is what we proclaim in the Christian faith. When life ends, one is made whole through the grace of Jesus Christ.
When my sister, Karen, died after years of suffering with the disease of Lupus we believe that she was healed. The disease had done all it could do to her body, but her spirit would not be defeated. Why she was not healed from the disease remains a mystery. However, the confidence of our faith in the redeeming grace of God is no mystery to us.
So what are we to do? We are to believe in the mystery of healing. We pray earnestly for healing. We know that God does not leave God's children. When healing comes, we rejoice. When life ends, we rejoice. The answer is believing in all the mystery of God, unknown in this life, but fully revealed in the life to come!
Pray for me as I pray for you.
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