Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Answer The Call

In the Bible God calls.
God calls out for Adam and Eve when they are hiding. God calls Abram to a new way of living out life in a new place. The call of Moses centers around a burning bush that moves Moses to take his shoes off. Jonah is called to deliver a message to those whom he despised. Jesus of Nazareth begins his ministry with the call to fishermen to lay down their nets. Jesus invites a tax collector to move from behind the desk and follow. The theme of calling is apparent in the Biblical tradition.
But what about today? Is God still calling? And if God is indeed calling, is God calling you?
My freshman year in high school, I attended an event in my hometown for youth. I used the word, "attended" loosely. The focus of the event was on hunger. The last thing I ever wanted to experience was hunger. After being let out at the church where the event was to be held, a friend of mine and I decided that we would sneak off and go back to his house which was within walking distance. Just to show our rebellion, instead of fasting for the day, we pigged out. Isn't it funny how rebellious God's children will be.
At the end of the day, we made it back to the event for the closing worship service. During that service there was a time to kneel at the altar and pray. This practice has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. Each Sunday evening at First UMC in Minden, there was a time of altar prayer. The lights would be dimmed. Music would be offered as people were offered the chance to kneel in prayer to end the Sabbath day. The light behind the cross was the only light in the room besides the altar candles. For some reason this time always found me.
As I knelt to pray on this day, I began to feel the presence of God in a most powerful way. God was speaking to me about being a part of ministry. I did not understand all of what it meant but I knew it to be a "calling" of sort. As a young man raised in the church, I knew you could ask God for proof. Sometimes God answers more clearly to those in doubt. So I did. I asked God to give me a sign of what I was feeling. At that point, an older youth whom I had admired from a distance, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "I am here to pray with you." Interestingly enough, this guy would not remember this prayer. Later in our journey we would attend seminary together and I would serve on his ministry staff.
So I answered the call. Or I should say I began to answer the call. You see, I believe that callings are a journey that God invites us to join. This journey of ministry for me has been one of great joy as well as one of great sorrow. There are days that ministry is a great place to be. There are times when ministry is a very lonely place to be. But I am never alone.
A colleague told the story of visiting a nursing home. There was a particular lady there that so enjoyed his visit. However, she was difficult to get away from. Being in a hurry and knowing that she was deaf, he told the lady that her phone was ringing in her room. He did not want to hurt her feelings. So she hurried back to answer the phone thinking it was ringing. When he was almost out of her sight, he heard her voice hollering at him, "Preacher, the phone call is for you!!"
Is God calling you? More importantly are you willing to journey with God in that call. Each one of us has a unique ministry before us. All I can say is "Answer the call. It is for you!"
Pray for me as I Pray for you.


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