Most folks do not realize that this was written in a time when there were few people who believed in one god. Obviously the argument about having many gods was not the focus at the time. This argument would become central much later--about the time of the prophet Isaiah. But the message was clear: no other gods before me. God wanted to be number one. Numero Uno. There was not to be a weekly poll where the top god would be selected on their record. God is to be at the top--all the time.
This is the season of life where many choose to serve the lesser gods of this world. The service is rationalized in many ways. One does not have to be in church to worship. Everyone needs a break sometime. I will listen to the sermon online. I will spend a little extra time praying. I have heard all of these over the years. I am always reminding folks that it is not me that you are going to have to explain this to as I point upwards.
But it is hunting season! Or as I tell many of my friends, it is not hunting season. It is animal training season. Many of these folks spend little time reading the Bible or praying. Giving to the church or a mission is minimal. But then hours are spent growing their plots, preparing the animal training ground, or shopping for the latest scent. And no expense is spared for the latest accessory, corn, or for the lease to hunt.
Now before you get too irate, there is nothing wrong with hunting or even animal training if it does not take the place of worshipping God. A faithful hunter does not compromise worship attendance, giving, or daily devotion for the sake of the hunt. In fact, maybe if your hunting has not been what it should be, God may be trying to tell you something.
But it's football season or soccer season! Pick your sport. The service of this lesser god leads many apart from the living god. I do not know who thought it was a great idea to have kid's soccer on Sunday. Obviously it was someone who had little or no knowledge of God's big ten. We struggled with this as our son, Noah played. But we tried to keep him and us focused on the bigger picture of life. There was never a doubt for us as to what place God took in life.
I am afraid that Jesus would have a tough time in some of the polls taken in the frenzy of college football. I envision a headline that would say, "Jesus falls out of the top ten this week". If worship attendance after major games is an indication, then it is obvious that the lesser god wins out. If your tailgating and attendance at the game prohibits your worship attendance and your faithful witness, then maybe you ought to rethink that.
I love sports as much as you do. Those who know me know that I enjoy having a good time as much as anyone else. I enjoy being able to participate in the excitement of life. However, I just want all to be aware that the service of lesser gods can lead us away from the God that will give us life and life everlasting.
Make sure God stays number one.
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