Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are Jesus' Teachings Too Hard?

Apparently there was a time when Jesus was discouraged by his followers. There is a passage in scripture where Jesus says to his most intimate followers, "Will you too leave?" There were people jumping ship. They were shaking their heads at Jesus and saying, "You are asking too much!" (John 6:66)

There is a movement in today's world to push people to live by the minimum standards of relationship. A part of this movement is to be politically correct. Another part of this movement is to have little or no moral standards. What each person does is his/her own business. Who are you to criticize? Who are you to judge? These are the barbs that are thrown at us.

Even preachers struggle with this. To talk about the Biblical standard of tithing is difficult for many. To preach that there are consequences--alienation from God--to continue to live a life ignoring sin is seen as alienating the congregation. To preach a higher moral standard for living is viewed as hypocritical or not filled with grace and mercy. The great power of the Gospel to compel persons to change their life is watered down to gospel of accommodation.

One day I came to a realization that has become very important to me. I share it with you. My inability to do what Jesus asked me to do, does not change what Jesus asked me to do. It is at this point that I need the work of the Spirit in my life--to do what I alone cannot do. Sounds weak doesn't it? But it is actually a strength.

Let me give an example. I understand fully the meaning of Jesus' teaching, Love Thine Enemies. For some of us, the words are in red in our Bible. My reaction to this is to say that Jesus obviously does not KNOW my enemies. He would understand that loving them is not even in the ballpark. I would prefer Jesus to say something like "God will toast my enemies!" or like the Psalmist says, "dash their heads upon the rocks!" But noooooooo. Jesus says, "Love" and "Pray".

My initial inability to love and pray for those who do not wish me well does not change the standard of Jesus. It is only through the character of Jesus working in me--the work of God's Spirit--that I can BEGIN to understand and to do what Jesus plainly has instructed me to do. It is in this Spirit that God begins to reshape me. But only when I yield myself.

So I find that some folks become angry at what I preach. However, I preach what God would have me preach trying to intentionally NOT water it down. I try to explain that if you have difficulty with what is said, the difficulty is not with me, but with God. It is what the Biblical tradition says! And I invite folks to join me on the journey of obedience, hoping that though the teachings seem hard, we are not alone in the struggle.

The teachings of Jesus are too hard if you rely upon your own strength. With God's help, things become different.

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