"From ashes you came, to ashes you will return" are the words many heard as the cross was made on their forehead. Not very good news. In fact, if you just leave it there, it is downright despondent.
I remember a well meaning mom greeting her son's new friend with the words, "Come here and let me clean off your forehead. You have dirt on it." If it had been her son, she would have just wet her fingers and wiped it off. It would have been bad news if the little boy had not been so agile. The good news was he escaped her hands quickly and quietly.
In seminary there was a preacher with us that we used to call "Good news" followed by his last name. It was not an appropriate title for him because he was always the bearer of bad news. If there was a dark side to be seen, he saw it. He claimed that he just did not have a sense of humor. We were going to see Animal House and one of the guys made a bet with him. If he could go through the whole movie without laughing, he would be treated to a steak dinner. "Good news" was already ordering the steak. He did well until the horse had the heart attack in the dean's office. He lost the bet when the chain saw was cranked up. (Sorry if you missed the movie--it was funny!)
Lent is not one of the favorite seasons for many. You have to give up something you like. You have all these "extra" services to attend. As one of my heathen friend said, "it just seems like a whole lotta work getting ready for the big show--Easter. Just have the big show and be done with it." I think he missed the point of the journey.
Journeys teach us much about life as well as about who we are. We become who we are as we make the journey. Show me a person without a journey and I will show you someone waiting to be discovered. If you do not believe me, take a journey with some good friends. You will discover how good a friend they really are.
The season of Lent (the forty days before Easter not counting Sundays) is a journey. It is a journey for Jesus of Nazareth to the cross. Through the cross and through the tomb, Jesus shows us the joy of Easter. Easter comes only after Good Friday.
The world will tell you to take the short cut. The world will tell you do not worry about the ashes. Some well meaning Christians will tell you not to worry about the journey. I want to encourage you to seriously consider the time of preparation. Seriously consider the time of soul searching and sacrifice. Spend the time necessary in the disciplines of faith. Easter will take on new meaning.
And for goodness sake, I hope you did not try to wipe the dirty foreheads of those you met this week. Geez--you ought to know better or maybe you do not because you have not made the journey.
The journey of Lent can change your life. Make the journey.
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