Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Does Prayer Make a Difference?

The continuing tragedy in Japan gives me great sorrow. It is hard to comprehend. It is hard to know what one should do. It is difficult to know what one can do. Human tragedy and sorrow brings us back to a question that many have asked. Does praying really make a difference?

The cynic will shout a resounding 'No". They see it as a just a mental exercise to soothe the guilt pangs of life. Or it is a projection of inner wishes longing to have power over the universe. It is a waste of human time and effort in a cultural myth that is no longer relevant. Strange how strong the argument can sound until something in life happens and then the first words out of their mouth are "O God!"

There is something within humanity that seeks God during life's joys or sorrows. God has been called many names but God seems to answer all of God's children when they call. The answer is to be in relationship. The solution is relationship. The relationship with God is the strength or answer that God gives. God says " I am with you. You are not alone."

During the great tragedies of life, prayer is one answer for us. As we hold these children of God in prayer, we are asked to open ourselves to their pain, their sorrow, their loss and be affected by it. Our hearts are made tender towards the loss of life. Our hearts are filled with compassion as they wonder about what tomorrow holds. Our words in prayer are to remind the world that we are not alone.

Each Sunday during our worship service, we have a time of intercessory prayers. We hold particular situations of life before the throne of the Almighty. I ask the congregation to say the name of a person. I remind myself and others that I do not have to understand how intercessory prayer works in order to practice it. I just need to practice it. God will do the rest.
One of the problems we have in this is that we want the answer. No, usually we want OUR answer. Human beings do not do well with problems that remain unresolved. The tendency is to view something that is unresolved as our failure to do the right thing. God answers life's problems differently that we do. The answer God give is presence.
One of the most powerful scriptures for me is found in John 14 where God assures us that God will not leave us as an orphan. We always have a loving parent. We always have a home to go home to no matter what life does to us. What peace this can give us if we believe it!
During this time of great sufferings, practice praying for those you hear about or see. If you are not sure what to say, ask God to be present with those who are hurting. Just say the words, "God be present" or "Lord Jesus, come!" Open yourself to their world. Make a monetary offering to help through your church.
Prayer does make a difference. Believe me, it does.

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