The little boy was given the role in the Christmas program which he hated. He only had to say one line--"I have no room!" Each time it was rehearsed the little boy would hesitate and then say in a whisper his line. The lady in charge of the program would then instruct him again. "Say it louder with force!" But the little boy would not comply. Finally in frustration she bent down and asked him, "What is the problem? Why won't you say your line loud enough for people to hear?" As only a child could say the little boy answered, "But that is Mary, the mother of Jesus! Can't I just give her my room?"
It is hard to even conceive of having on room for Jesus in our world. It happens more often that we want to imagine. It happens in our calendar. It happens in our finances. It happens in our relationships. There is no room for Jesus anywhere! So what is answer?
John Wesley gave the early Methodists a handle for such demons. We like to think they are new demons only of our day. But these demons have been around for a long time. Wesley's answer can be found in two words--Holy Habits. Habits are hard to break! Habits are sometimes hard to make. Holy habits are the things that get done on a regular basis regardless of the rest of life.
May I offer you some suggestions?
Pray each morning. Not on the run or as you are doing other things. Set aside a place, a book, and a time to stop and pray. Then you can add to your prayer life by doing some praying on the run.
Give. You need to have a discipline of giving. Most people think church finances is about a budget. It is not. It is about your need to order you life in gratitude to God. Give to YOUR church. Then you can add offerings to other places in life.
Serve. Find a place of service. I am disappointed to know that most churches in our world today cannot find enough people to teach children's Sunday School classes. What does it mean when we are too busy to share the Gospel with our children? Service is a privilege and an obligation.
Worship. Worship is again giving God what God is due. It is not about you. It is not about making you comfortable. In fact, sometimes the role of worship is to make you UNcomfortable. Worship is a way to be found by God.
Holy Habits make room for Jesus. Holy Habits will invite the birth of Jesus again and again.
Pray for me as I pray for you.
In the Master's Name,
Dr. M. Jack O'Dell
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