Most people would make the argument that they are. But think about it for a minute. Are you?
A woman was donating an older coat she had to charity. She had bought herself a new coat. However, as she looked at the coat, she became enamored with the buttons on the coat. They were extraordinary. They were beautiful. She hated to part with them. It wasn't the coat that she wanted now, it was the buttons. So she cut the buttons off the coat and then donated the coat. The sad part of the story is that she did this without even thinking of how she had diminished the gift of the coat. She convinced herself that the gift of the coat was enough. The person who received the coat would be glad just getting the coat. The buttons did not matter.
There is a relationship between generosity and contentment. A person who is content does not need more. A person who reaches a level of content in their life has freed themselves from the sin of accumulation. How easy it is to accumulate! When is enough enough?
Stores are preparing for Black Friday. In fact, the Black Friday day has now become Black Friday week. It is not good enough just to have a shopping frenzy day--we need a week!
And yet in this world of abundance, the body of Christ--the church lacks resources. It makes no sense. Or the truth be known, it makes too much sense. We are content giving God--the one who has given us eternity--very little. Our resources are spent. We are content giving God what is left.
What would it be like if our generosity began within the body of Christ--the church? Oh there are always reasons we can contrive to excuse our poor stewardship. People who are discontent in their life try to excuse their unfaithfulness.
Are you a generous person? Maybe it is time for your be honest with yourself and move towards generosity and away from discontentment. Start with your tithe and offerings.
Practice generosity!
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