Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tear the Roof Down--WIT

I like to refer it as WIT.    Are you a WIT Friend?  Are you a WIT Christian?

This past week our small group read the passage where four friends  went beyond the call of duty.  They were WIT Christians.

So they heard that Jesus, the healer from Nazareth, was in town.  The four guys had this friend.  The Bible does not give him a name so I will.  I like to call him Harry.

Harry spent his days in the bed.  Every once in a while, he would get someone to carry him outside and put him on the outside chair.  There he would stay until someone else would come and move him again.  He did not know what it was like to just go on his own.  Harry was reliant on someone else all the time.

But Harry had four of the best friends a person could have.  They made sure he had what he needed.  When they could, they would include him in their conversations.  It was not unusual for them to end up at the foot of his bed just shooting the breeze.

Once they heard a healer was in town.  So they took Harry to see him.  How they wished he would have been healed.  But nothing happened.  Harry felt really bad for himself and his friends.  There were days he thought he must be getting punished for something.  He could never figure it out.

Then the four amigos showed up.  "We are going to see Jesus!  He is going to heal you!"  Well Harry could not argue.  So here they go again. 

When they got the place, there were people everywhere.  People with all sorts of diseases were lined up waiting to see this man, Jesus.  There was no way they would get near him.  They tried and tried but failed miserably.  Harry looked at his friends and said, "Thanks guys, but I am ready to go home."

"Nope!  We are not giving up!"  said one of the friends and pointed towards the roof.  The other three amigos smiled.  "Let's do it!"

Harry did not like this ideas at all.  As they lifted him up to the roof, he was sure he was going to die!  He pleaded with them to put him down.  They only went higher.

On the roof, they dug a hole until the roof had an opening  and below they could see Jesus.  The crowd inside of the room could not believe what they saw.  The four friends had tied Harry's bed to a rope and were lowering him down to Jesus.  Harry was embarrassed.  What a scene.

This man, Jesus, looked at Harry with the most gracious smile.  He looked up at the four friends and chuckled.  He was impressed by the friends.  And then he spoke, "Your sins are forgiven!...."  

Harry felt his legs.  He felt his legs as he never had before.  Jesus took his hand and Harry walked!  Harry walked!  He could not believe it.  He looked up at his friends only to see tears in their eyes!  Harry was healed!

The four amigos were WIT friends.  They are the models for WIT Christians.  What is WIT?  WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!

The four amigos were going to do whatever it takes for their friend to meet Jesus.  What about you and your friends?  Are you a WIT gang?

Pray for me as I pray for you.

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