Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Reach Out When Life Gets Blurred

Life gets blurred sometimes.

Probably the time when most people experience this is when they cry. The tears begin to fill your eyes so much that your sight becomes blurred. It is then that we wipe our eyes. Sometimes we need a Kleenex to wipe our eyes. Sometimes we simply use our hands. Some have been taught that "big boys do not cry" so we begin to wipe our tears before they take away our sight.

Life gets blurry when our boundaries fall down. Sometimes our boundaries fail because we have convinced ourselves that there is more to life. One can become bored. Out of boredom one can do great damage to life. Many young people who act out in our world today are simply bored. They are seeking thrills without limits. Marriages and friendships are destroyed because people lose sense of their boundaries and do foolish things.

Life gets blurry when we are confronted with loss---loss of Job, loss of a friend, divorce, or loss by death. The tendency in this case is to isolate self in sadness. One becomes overwhelmed with a deep sense of grief. One becomes convinced that no one else must have ever gone through this dark valley. One can begin to experience a darkness and isolation that can endanger health and emotional wellness. Tears come too often. Sleep is either too long or none at all. Life's tasks can remain undone or neglected. Memory can be turned into a sense of regret or blame.

Jesus gives us an answer to the blurs of life. Let me share the different parts of the answer.

Life happens. That is the first part of Jesus' answer. When Jesus came to this earth, he was keenly aware of this. He became aware very early in his ministry that life was going to happen to him! Jesus knew that he was going to walk through many difficult moments and even death. Life just happens to all of us.

You are not to go through life alone. Jesus surrounded himself with his friends—his disciples. He had others who traveled with him and spent time with him. I think that Lazarus' house was obviously a place where Jesus went to be refreshed during difficult times. You have friends and places to be where you can experience the joy of life again. Friends remind us of the things in life that we really value. You can plug into a small group (Griefshare—about to start!) and journey with others through the valleys and darkness. Open yourself to a counselor or clergy person who can help you sort through the mire and mud of life. Sometimes it is best if someone else wipes your tears away so you can see.

Life is not over. Yes, it is difficult. Yes it has and will change. But God is not done with you! Find a place of worship and worship your way through this time of life. Place yourself where God can find you!! I like to think that God comes and recreates (plays) in the "stuff" of life that I find myself sitting in. Some of the greatest blessings in life come from what God does with our difficulties. God introduces us to what is yet to be! It is a part of the resurrection we experience in this life.

When life gets blurred, reach out. Not for a bottle or drugs or someone who has little or no faith. Better than any of this, is the hands of a Savior. Let Jesus meet you where you are. Let Jesus guide you towards a caring community who will weep with you and yes, dry your eyes so you can see once again.

Pray for me as I pray for you.

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