Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fishermen Need to Catch Fish

So I am a golfer, not a fisherperson. Fisherperson just doesn't sound right either. Sometimes being politically correct just doesn't seem to have the right ring to it.

As a little boy, I enjoyed fishing. However, I never caught any big fish. I caught a ton of little fish. I can remember cleaning and cooking those bite size bream. There seemed to be more bone than meat. But I had caught them. To this date, the biggest fish I have ever caught would be about a pound or a pound and a half-- nothing worth bragging about.

I have made the decision that if someday I am unable to play golf I will then become a fisherperson. Now my recent experiences of fishing have led me to become a great fishing caster. I can cast really well. I have the right technique of reeling the bait in. The problem is that lately I have not caught any fish. Well, I have caught only very small fish.

Max Lucado is right when he says that when fishermen do not fish, they fight. I think that is why so many churches are at unrest. They are filling their void with fighting. Did you notice that when Jesus appears to the disciples in the resurrection, the fishermen catch plenty of fish? I think Jesus knew it would put them in a "receptive" mode. Catching many fish creates excitement in the camp. Others cannot wait to join in!

Disciples of Jesus Christ are fisherpersons who need to catch fish. Now the fish I am talking about is about helping people know the love and grace of Jesus Christ. You lure them with the love and you reel them in with the grace. Think about it. How can one resist the lure of love? The reel of grace is tender, not harsh. It gently brings them into the boat—which is the earliest symbol of the church.

But it is a catch and release way of life. The fish are brought in only to release them back into the ocean. New disciples after spend time in the boat are sent back into the waters. One of the problems of the church is we have forgotten how to release back into the world. We just want to keep them in the boat.

Maybe we all need to fish more. I can hear the "Amens" in the house now! But remember the boat is church---so don't miss it!

Pray for me as I pray for you.

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