Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One is Too Many

It is a darkness that one cannot understand unless one has been there. If you know the truth of this, let the light of God in--now.

The silence of the church is deafening sometimes. I am as guilty as anyone else in this more than I want to admit. Jesus' words are more relevant than we realize. Scripture holds more power than we can imagine. But we fail to connect that power with real life. But sometimes we make the connection and God does wonderful works.

This Sunday I am preaching about hope. But I am going to dare to speak about hopelessness first. Did you know that studies from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) tell us that about twenty seven percent of teenagers report they have considered taking their own life? Twice as many girls confess this than boys. Twenty three percent of these have actually planned how they would take their own life. Thirteen of these have attempted their plan. If one succeeded, that is too many.

The taking of one's life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem in life--though the problem does not seem like it is temporary at the time. Some are seeking attention and never get the opportunity to get it. Others are emotionally unstable because of life. Some seem really okay on the outside, but are screaming on the inside. Most of the time we are found picking up the pieces. Or worse, we are silent while family and friends pick up the pieces.

I must confess that I wish I had the magic dust or answers to the darkness. The answer I have is the presence of God. Some would like you to think it works like magic dust, but it does not. The answer I have is to always remind people of all ages that God is at work. Life will get better with God's presence. Place your life in the hands of the Great Physician. When you can not see out of the darkness, find someone who can hold the light for you. Grasp the hand of a mentor or companion.

So when it happens, what then? Rely on the grace of God. I understand the grace of God to overcome all things in life---things present, things to come, things behind. Paul says in the book of Romans that nothing is able to separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus. I believe it. Do not grieve alone. Worship your way through the grief. Know that God knows what it is like to experience the death of a loved one--a son. And God gives the gift of eternal life.

The darkness is only temporary. Joy comes in the morning. If one takes his/her life in the darkness of the soul, one is too many. If you know of someone who is stuck in this darkness, take their hand. Get help!

One is too many to lose.

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