Timing is everything. Think about it.
When a joke is told, the comedian has to deliver the punch line just at the right time. Too early or too late and the joke falls dead. When music is played, the pace of the music as well as when certain notes are to be played or not played make the difference! Every musician knows the agony of playing when there was a rest. In cooking, there is the fine line between done, burnt, and raw. I have experienced all of these!
In faith, there are times when it seems as God is too late. When Lazarus died, Mary and Martha both told Jesus, "if you had been here...." The endless hours of prayers that seem to go unanswered. The wandering in the wildernesses of our lives trying to find the Promise Land--trying to discern where God would have us be. Most of us have experienced or struggled with this at one point or another.
Then there are the moments when God does only what God can do in God fashion. In the Old Testament book of Psalms, there is a word, Selah, that is found at different places in the Psalms. It seemingly comes after a great act of God is proclaimed. There is no translation of this word. I remember one of my favorite preachers of yesterday, Willie Poole, said he had figured it out. Selah is the Hebrew way of saying, "Can ya beat that?!?!"
We all gathered at Jamie's grave. I did not know Jamie, but I have come to know him. He lived a very troubled life. His life was seemingly either up or down. The addiction to drugs was a battle that would claim his life. Family and friends gathered one year later after his death to proclaim their hope and assurance in God's saving grace.
The day was overcast and the sun was being blocked by the clouds that were gathering. The wind was blowing pretty hard when the service started. A trace of rain was felt. But no one moved.
Memories were shared. Balloons were let go as stories were shared. Tears were there as well as laughter and smiles. And then God did what only God can do.
At the end of the service, a half rainbow began to appear in the sky. Then a WHOLE rainbow appeared in the sky. For those of us who gathered, it was a sign. It was God's smile upon the gathering. It was God's way of reminding us of God's presence and God's power. In short, it was a moment filled with awe!
Willie's right---Can Ya Beat That?