One of the dangers of the Christian faith is to confuse God's will with our own will. I hear people talk about doing the will of God while it is quite evident that his/her life is so far from God's kingdom. It is quite clear that the person is following his/her own will and just asking God to sign off on it. This practice of faith leads one to ruins. Then of course, the person wants to blame God for all of life's failures and ruins.
After WWII, Leslie Weatherhead wrote a small book entitled, The Will of God. It is a classic in Christian literature. It poses the question, "How does one know the will of God?" The discussion begins with a question that some would never ever ask. Was it God's will that Jesus die on the cross?
For some Christians, the question is mute. For others it can become a focal point for understanding God's will in life. The answer that Weatherhead initially gives is that in the intentional will of God, God did not want Jesus to die on the cross. God intended for humanity to accept Jesus' teachings of love and the kingdom of God. If the world had been perfect, this is what God intended.
But we all know the perfect world does not exist. Therefore, given the present circumstance of humanity, God asked Jesus to do whatever it takes (WIT) to show humanity how much God loves them. Whatever it takes! Even if it means being spit on, beaten, and dying on the cross? Yes! Whatever it takes.
I am wondering how the world would change if Christians adopted the WIT philosophy of Jesus. I am willing to do whatever it takes to show the world the love of God. I will cross social boundaries. I will fight demons. I will bless all that is around me to feed the hungry. I will let the world make fun of me even take my life--whatever it takes--for the love of God.
This idea of the will of God is quite different from the self satisfying no sacrifice idea of God's will. It is not God signing on to our agenda, but God leading us. Most of the time where God leads us can be a bed of roses but remember that roses have thorns. And even if life looks like ruins (i.e. the cross) let us not be fooled. It is only Friday, Sunday is a coming!
The ultimate will of God will reign. This is where God does what God can only do. The ultimate will of God is when the tomb is empty. The ultimate will of God is eternal, not made by human hands. You see, ultimately God does not leave us. God reigns.
In the meantime, I think the will of God is know best by those who practice WIT Christianity--I will do whatever it takes Lord!
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