I am amazed at how difficult change is for our culture. Perhaps it is because our world is in a state of constant change. As I was driving home from a visit with my parents this week, I was thinking about how much the world has changed in their lifetime. Then I chuckled as I thought of how much the world has changed in my lifetime. You would think that with so much change around us, we would be pretty adaptable by now.
Some folks think before they can become a follower of Jesus, they have to clean up their lives. The thought is that if God knew how much dirt there is in their life, God could not love them. Folks who think this way spend alot of time on the treadmills of life. They are always working out or trying to improve themselves. The truth of the matter is that once you give your life to Christ, God changes you!! God's love is not based on points or performance. (Thank Goodness!) Your task is to open yourself to God's precious grace through Jesus Christ and let grace abound. Experiencing grace makes you a different person.
Others think that they can be a Christian without changing. It is hard to get these folks to even change their underwear. It is what I call the "Popeye Syndrome"--"I am who I am." They have created a self idolatry that even uses the name of God for themselves. Remember when Moses asks God for a name? God answers, "I am who I am!"
It is no wonder that most of these folks are regular church goers. They sit in the same seat. They have given the same amount of money to the church for the last twenty years (and it is is rarely a tithe). This camp of folks have given effective pastors more grief and sorrow than one can imagine. And they are proud of it. They are the "loyal opposition" to what God is doing in the world around them because they fear change. The fear is to let go of their control of life and let God lead them.
The book club of our church is reading Drew Bree's book, "Coming Back Strong" In the book, Drew shares a perspective of faith. It is a deeper belief. He shares, "It's the kind of belief that changes your behavior, your attitude, and your outlook on life, and the people around you can't help but notice it." I think Drew is right!
This Thanksgiving, maybe it is time for us to accept the changing world and changing experience of God that overwhelms us! You might be surprised what God can do!
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