Jesus of Nazareth was a teacher. Most folks do not realize how many times Jesus put himself in the teaching mode. The Sermon on the Mount is a teaching text. The stories (parables) that Jesus told were to teach one thing at a time. I think Jesus would hug teachers often.
School is about to begin. It seems to start earlier in August each year. I must admit that I wonder if folks who make the school schedules realize that August is hotter than May in Louisiana. It doesn't make sense to me. But then there are alot things that make little or no sense to me.
The teaching profession, like many others, has lost its respect in our culture. Teachers at one time were held in great respect and authority. If my teacher got on to me, I knew there was going to be great trouble at home for me. Now it seems that parents are more likely to make trouble for teachers than to discipline their little darlings.
Teachers are loved by their students--more than students will admit. I think of those teachers that pushed me to learn--sometimes dragged me to learn. They showed great patience in some ways.. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Saint, Mrs. Roberts--all elementary teachers--gave me a great foundation for learning in my early years. It is hard for me to remember my junior high teachers other than Mrs. Monk the band director. I think I was distracted by the opposite sex during those years.
In High School and College, teachers continued to nurture me. I guess my all time favorite teacher has to be Webb Pomeroy who taught religion at Centenary College. He was a grandfather type teacher. Dr. Pomeroy taught me more about religion and life than I could understand. Today as I prepare to preach and study Bible, I can see his head shaking and almost hear his voice asking questions. He loved to make people think of religion and Bible in a larger context.
As I have remembered, you have too! You have teachers that shaped your life and living. As school begins, I would ask you to join me in appreciating those who teach. Teach your children to appreciate their teachers. Give teachers your support in as many ways as possible. Pray for teachers.
And if for some strange reason you think it is a "cush" job (after all they get summers off!), just spend one day as a substitute!
Thank God for those who teach!!!
From someone married to a dedicated Special Ed teacher, and whose daughter is also a loving and gifted Special Ed teacher, you hit it right on the mark, Jack! Thanks.