Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Practice Takes Discipline

It is that time of the year for golfers--The Masters. I am enjoying reading Phil Mickelson's book, One Magical Sunday (But Winning Isn"t Everything). It is the story of Mickelson's winning not only The Masters Golf tournament but at life. There are many golfers who win tournaments, but lose life.
In the book, Mickelson quotes another accomplished golfer, Ben Hogan. "Every day you do not practice is one day longer before you achieve greatness."
You see, I have the passion for golf but lack the discipline. Now do not get me wrong, I am a pretty good golfer for an old preacher man. But the only way I can ever get better is to practice. There is the difference between many golfers.
I think it is true in our witness as well. We have to practice the faith. We have to act upon our beliefs. Many people BELIEVE in God. However, fewer people act on their beliefs. Acting on our beliefs is risky business. Most of us prefer the safe side of life.
It is interesting to note that Peter, the disciple that Jesus named the rock of the church was a man of trial and error when it came to faith. Rocky (I think Jesus nicknamed him this!) would be bold and try to do acts of faith--such as walking on water. He would fail only to find that Jesus would then rescue him and fulfill his dreams. Rocky practiced the faith until he was made perfect. No, not perfect in the sense of being sinless, but perfect in the sense of reflecting God's love.
This week as you watch The Masters Golf Tournament or hear others talk about it. Remind yourself that those gentlemen who earned the privilege to play there are there because they dedicated themselves to days and weeks of practice. Then perhaps you can begin to dedicate yourself to something greater than a golf tournament. Dedicate yourself to THE Master---Jesus.
Pray for me as I pray for you.
In THE Master's Name,
Rev. Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

1 comment:

  1. Very true. I am trying everyday to devote myself to christ
