Charles Allen, longtime pastor of First UMC in Houston, used to chuckle when he watched his congregation sing, "All my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold." He knew his congregation did not mean that. He admitted that he had tried to get some to give for years with no success.
You and I have said it many times. "If you need anything call me." Wonder what would happen if they did call? Would we be able to deliver? Would we be WILLING to do what would could?
You see that is the battle. The battle is not if we are able, the battle is are we WILLING. The will is what makes the final decision in our life. Interesting that in the Prayer of our Lord, we talk about the will of God being done.
Jesus had probably met them somewhere along the road of his life. Perhaps he healed someone they knew. Perhaps his words of love and acts of grace pierced their heart. Whatever the situation, they told him, "if you ever need anything, let us know." And then one day, he did. His disciples showed up and said, "The Master needs it". It was a donkey but in those days even a bad donkey was of great value. It was their mode of transportation.
When they heard that the Master needed it. They had only one Master. They let the disciples take the donkey. Can you imagine how wonderful Jesus felt when the disciples returned with the donkey. His heart must have been filled with joy knowing that the owner meant what he said.
The donkey carried Jesus in the parade. The owner of the donkey was probably in the crowd cheering and throwing down their coats. They probably turned to their closest friends and said, "I am a part of this! I gave the Master my donkey!"
I wonder what our world would look like if we all meant what we said. If we were able to let go of the things of this world for the kingdom of God. What is your response to God when you get the message, "the Lord needs it?" It may be a car, time, a gift, a check, a talent you have, or the most valuable thing in your life--- your time.
If you have made a promise to God, keep it. If you are thinking about making one, promise what you will be willing to do. The Lord needs it.....whatever it is in your life.
Pray for me as I pray for you.
In the Master's Name,
Dr. M. Jack O'Dell
Lead Pastor, The Well
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