Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The REAL Celebrations in Life

The countdown has begun. Probably you are unaware that it even began. It comes so quietly. However at the very end it gets extremely loud.

Sin is like that. Most of us do not even like to talk about sin unless it is someone else's. I am amazed at the magazines and Hollywood shows that just love to throw people's sin out like it is a morning paper. Who has done what to whom? Where someone is or is not in treatment. There is a segment of society that is infatuated with sin.

Most of us do not know what sin really is. Some of us remember some preacher telling us how bad it was and where we are going if we do not get rid of it. And then, we found that the problem with sin is that it really not feel that bad--at least most of the time. Truth be told, it feels pretty good. Whoever said that it would just go away in our life does not know sin like I do. It is pretty constant--more constant than I want to admit. It is a battle.

Right before Lent begins, (that is the countdown in case you were still wondering) we have Mardi Gras. It is the time when we consume and party. Some of us consume more and party more. And then there are the party animals and the consumption rhinos(you know who you are) Rabid consumption and and partying leads to sin--separation from God. By now many of you are questioning my credentials. Is this guy a preacher or what? Go figure.

Ash Wednesday, the day after Fat Tuesday, is the day we realize that we are human. As the ashes are put on your forehead, you hear the words, "From ashes you came to ashes you will return." It is the day that we confront ourselves with our sinfulness and our selfishness. It is the day we begin to examine just how harmful consumption and partying in our life can be. It is looking behind us and seeing the trail of brokenness in our life. It is God's way of inviting us to live more for others than ourselves.

Have you noticed that the real heroes of our world seem to do this? No one remembers the guy or gal who chugged the most beers or stayed out partying the longest. Heck, they do not even remember it. But our world does recognize those who are compassionate, feeding the poor, and sacrifice their life to change the world. And they remember it as well.

The Mardi Gras beads fade fast. The cross stays with us into eternity. And yes, our sin can disappear. God frees us everyday from our sins of yesterday. God invites us to be changed each day. God gives us a life of freedom from sin into eternity. Now THAT is the REAL party-- a celebration.

Rev. Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

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