30 seconds.
In 30 seconds the world around you can literally fall in. That is how fragile our world is. We like to think that it is more stable than that. But in 30 seconds, life can change drastically.
A young man whose life is filled with hope went to work. Perhaps he stopped at the store on the way and spoke to friends. As he rode his bicycle, he dreamed of places he would see, things he would do. He loved his work even though it was not the most exciting job. It was a beginning.
30 seconds later. It is all gone.
A mother drops her daughter off at school. She kisses her goodbye and watches her run into the building. They are a family with many blessings. She is a good student. The family is living a stable life. The mother turns and walks away from the school towards the market place.
30 seconds later. Life is gone.
An archbishop arrives at his church. He goes through his usual morning prayers. These prayers are filled with passion for a country that is struggling. He prays for the neighborhood. He prays for the sick. He listens for the words of God that come to him. He makes his way through the corridor to his office where he begins to sort through the daily administrative work required of him.
30 seconds later. His earthly ministry is over. The church building is in rubble.
Jesus of Nazareth taught his disciples that it was through the suffering of the world that one can come to know the power of the redemptive God. It is there that God does God's best work. It is participating in the pain of others that one finds the meaning of love.
So you now have 30 seconds or even more. What can you do? Say a prayer for the people of Haiti. Say many prayers for them. Pray for those who are helping. Write a check to your church or a helping agency. Instead of disconnecting with the pictures, look at them and wonder what life was like, what life will be like.
Make a difference with your 30 seconds.
Pray for me as I pray for you.
In the Master's Name,
Dr. M. Jack O'Dell
As always, you hit the mark 100%. Life changes on a dime. I have been praying for the people from Haiti all day long, and the loved ones trying to find them.