Wednesday, October 21, 2009

In our worship service, there is a time that has become more meaningful to me than I have ever imagined. It is a time that we call "standing in the gap" in which a situation in life is named (someone in hospice, someone unemployed, someone fighting depression, etc.). I ask members of my congregation to stand in the gap of life for someone. They are to stand and at the appropriate time in the prayer we say their name before God. We intercede in prayer for them.
Do you know the power of someone saying your name before God?
Life is filled with more gaps than we want. The gap is the time when you are so alone in the struggle of life. The gap is when there are no answers but more questions and feelings than one should have. The gap is when you are over there--alone, hurting, and vulnerable.
As Christians we are invited to look for the gaps around us. The Bible teaches us to care for those who are in need. From Joseph saving his brothers from famine even after what they had done to Moses interceding on behalf of those Israelites who had danced around the golden calf again. From the prophet's call to care for the widows, the orphans and seek justice, to the Son of God, Jesus being nailed to the cross. The gaps in life are invitations for God's people to care.
There is great power in having your name said before God by someone who cares.
How different this is from praying for all "those people'. Scatter prayers are those general words that we say because after all, God knows. Scatter prayers require little of us and alot from God.
Gap prayer is about relationships and real life. It means that we get involved in the life of those around us, not to be nosy or negative, but to care. We name those who need God's special care.
I would like encourage you to name folks before God. Stand in the gap for those who are hurting with your prayers to a loving God. Become the Word made flesh.
Pray for me as I pray for you.
In the Master's Name,

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