Thursday, October 31, 2013

Let The Light Shine!!

When you need a light to shine it usually is in an unusual place.

How many of us can remember putting a flashlight in our mouth as we worked on something with our hands in the dark?  Or for those who remember that you mom said "Don't put that in your mouth, you don't know where it has been!"--you would do the cheek to shoulder trick.  The more creative ones among us would use duct tape.  You can stick duct tape on anything anywhere.

Today's world has it easy.  There is now a flashlight that you can strap on your head.   There is a light that has a flex to it that wraps around anything near by.  You can even buy tools with flashlights built into them.

Light shines in the darkness.

Last week while I was in Denver, I had the opportunity to stand at the resting place of my sister, Sharon.  It is not her resting place however.  I know it is just a place where we go to see how darkness  of death is defeated.  As I stood there I had wonderful memories of her life.  I could hear her laughter.  Actually I heard both of my sister's laughter.  I recalled the music that we created and celebrated in our lives together.  It would have been so easy to sit in the darkness with out my faith.  But the light of Christ would not go away.   Even as my eyes were filled with tears, the light of eternity shone brightly.  

I have come to the conclusion that one of the great things about living a life as a Christian--a faithful Christian--is that we build a power and light station for those who will follow after us.  Our lives become a beacon to God's presence in life that will not go away.  Those who choose to live a Christ--filled life need not worry about being forgotten!  The light will always shine.  

So through this weekend, let us honor the lights of the saints that shine brightly in our world.  Let us honor them with how we choose to live.  In the darkest moments, they hold the light of Christ for us.

Pray for me as I pray for you!

In the Master's Name,


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Breathing Normal and Helping Children

So as I was on the plane this morning, I chuckled at the directions the flight attendant gave.  You know the little speech before every flight that we have heard so many times.  I must admit I rarely listen as I should.  I will also confess that I enjoy it when the flight attendant “hams” it up.  Sometimes a little “ham” gets my attention. 
It is the part of the speech about the yellow Dixie cup that is going to fall from the compartment above.  I have never had the experience and I am quite sure I do not really want it. However, there are two phrases that always make me chuckle.
“Continue breathing normal…”  Yeah right.  Like if the airplane is falling from the sky, I am going to be breathing normal.  No chance.  This person does not understand how fearful I am.  I begin breathing abnormally just walking by a roller coaster.  During times of high velocity and irregularity of direction, my body has already shifted into panic mode.  To be honest, I find myself in deep confession and rapid breathing.  The presence of a Dixie cup overhead will probably not aid me in continuing to breath normal.
I have experience a peace in the midst of a calm though.   It is a strange experience.  Right when life seemed to be crumbling around me, I knew what the Bible speaks of—peace that passes understanding.  I think it is a gift.  But it is a gift to be sought and opened.  It is a gift to be treasured.  It is the gift that gets us through. 
Then there is that line about if you are traveling with children, be sure and secure your Dixie cup before helping others.  One attendant put it this way.  “if you are traveling with small children, secure your own breathing device.  Then begin helping your children—starting with your most favorite child!”  I laughed out loud at that one!  I could see a parent pausing to deliberate—“now which child on this day do I want to save!”  Aw come on!  You know as a parent there are times when you really want to tell God they ran away and you don’t know where they are (even though you wanted to put them in a closet for while!)  You wonder what side of the genetic equation of your spouse’s family had created this little monster. 
So to help others, we first have to have our own breath (air).  I see so many parents struggling to teach children what they themselves never learned.  Take prayer for example.  Some parents do not know how to teach children how to pray because there is no discipline or practice of prayer in their life!  It reminds me of the car commercial of the father teaching his son how to throw the ball and the father has no clue as to how to do it.  So he commends the son for excellent throw because it resembles his own feeble attempt.
Maybe deeper practice and study in the disciplines of faith and holy habits would lead our children by example into that holy breathing of the Spirit of God.  Could the lack of commitment to Christ and to the body of Christ we see in our world today be a reflection of the poor practice of faith given?  Not in every case, but in many?  If so, what are you going to do about it?
Now some us have heard these things over and over again.  The speech is the same.  We may have even listened more intently when the preacher “hamed” it up.  But when the moment comes—the Dixie cups fall from the compartment of life—will we know what to do?   Will we have that peace that passes understanding?
It is a gift---one to be sought and treasured.  Better air or drink that any Dixie cup will give.   Breathe normal and if you travel in life with children—continue breathing!
Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master’s Name,
Dr. M. Jack O’Dell

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Live Like Someone Left the Gate Open!

"Wag more. Bark less. Live like someone left the gate open."

It is a daily theme given shared by my friend, Mickey Shannon.   I have chuckled over and over again reading it.

Dogs could teach us much especially when it comes to getting along.  

Wag more.  When you come home from a hard day's work where everything has been difficult, it is always a relief to see your dog's tail wagging.  They are excited to see you.  They want your attention.  You become the immediate center of their world.  

I often wonder if we really let the people we love the most know how much we want their presence.  I tell parents to check out their kid's response to this.  When your kid/spouse comes home, drop what you are doing and make this announcement in a loud voice.  "She/He is here!  I have been waiting all day for this moment! She/He could be anywhere else but has chosen to be here!!!"  Then as soon as they are conscious again hug them!

Wag more.

Bark less.

A barking dog is a nuisance.  Barking people are the same.  Do you have those folks in your life who always seem to be a big gruff?  But then we ALL bark at some level.  Maybe we need to worry about OUR barking before we worry about others.  I think Jesus of Nazareth said something like this using the example of a speck and a log.  Yes, he did!!

Your momma said it this way:  "Don't be obnoxious!"

Live like someone left the gate open.

When the gate is left open, the whole world becomes our parish.  We are not afraid. We are free from all that binds us!  What a feeling!   What a refreshing idea!  

So try a day living this mantra.  You may even want to try two days!  

Pray for me as i pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Where Is Zone 16?

Wednesday night worship ended with all the alarms going off.  It does add a new dimension to worship although it is not one you probably would want.  So the fire trucks come and we begin looking for the fire.  Zone 16.  Anyone know where zone 16 is?  Nope.  No one.  No one could tell us where the panel was sending us.  It reminded me of the phrase, "all dressed up and no where to go!"

So where is zone 16 in your life?  The alarm is going off.  You hear it whether anyone else hears it.  There is a place in your life where you know you need help.  For some reason you will not go there.  Or maybe you are searching and wondering where to go.  Sometimes we fail to heed the alarm because there is fear about where that will lead us.  A crummy present seems better than a  fearful tomorrow.

Jesus sounded the alarm in many people's journey.  He challenged them to go to new places and new spaces.   A wee little man in the tree was called down and Jesus had lunch with him.  Then he became a man with greater vision and larger compassion.  A tax collector was invited to follow.  The tax collector instead of robbing people of their life gave them life. A slave trader changed the chords of his life with the assurance of Amazing Grace. 

Jesus does that in our world.  When Scripture is read, it challenges us. It sounds the alarm in our world where things need to be changed.  Places where the old wine skins cannot hold the new wine.  Places where the only way the celebration of life can continue is to invite Jesus to change the water into wine--fine wine!

Too often we find ourselves in zone 16 when the crisis of life is already upon us.  We are ill prepared the meet the challenge.  The alarm has been sounding but we have done nothing.  We find ourselves in reactive mode instead of being able to craft a response.

Today is the day.  Find zone 16!  Let Jesus come into that space where the alarm is sounding and make it holy ground.  

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Dr. M. Jack O'Dell

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Light Always Stays On

There is a song that reminds me of something that I need to know.  

You Never Let Go

It tells me that God never lets go of me.  God is there through all of life.  There is never a shutdown by God.  There is nothing in life that I need to fear facing alone.  Do you know the power of that presence?

When I was little boy, I went deer hunting with a friend of the family.  It was the first time I had ever been in a deer stand.  I was told to sit there and if I heard anything, just whistle.  It was dark and cold.  It wasn't long until I felt every much alone in the dark.  I was afraid.  I did not care about when or if I killed a deer.  I just wanted to have some flesh near me.  So I whistled.  And the friend came to my rescue.  He came and sat with me on the stand.

In this world, there are so many people who know the darkness that I experienced.  Life around them has become dark and frightening.  There is a feeling of isolation.  There is a feeling of despair. The coldness of the world has overcome them.  

Sometimes we shut down the ability of God and God's people to reach us.  Yes we can do that!  God has given us the ability to turn off the light in our world.  God continues to try to influence this decision but ultimately the decision is ours.  

The light of Christ is always shining.  Far before Tom Bodean started telling us that the light would always be on, God had mastered the art of leaving the light on for us.  

Are you afraid?  Are you lonely?  Are you overcome with despair?  

Look for the light that is always on--the grace of Jesus Christ.  Hold the light for friends, neighbors, and strangers who are struggling.  Or better yet, just tell them when they need some flesh to be near--just whistle!!

Pray for me as I pray for you.

In the Master's Name,

Dr. M. Jack O'Dell