It is the time between. Something has happened and something is going to happen. And yet, you have to continue living in the present while waiting. It is a time where you can do some really good preparation. It is a time where you appreciate where you are because you know that change is coming whether you like it or not.
The "meantime" can indeed be mean. The demons of regret and bitterness love to dwell in the meantime. It can also be a time where one can become paralyzed. There can be a helpless sense in the meantime. I have seen people just shut down during the meantime.
Or the meantime can be a time of healing. It can be a time where you intentionally take some actions to remedy some relationships that need some attention. During the meantime, you can prepare yourself for the days ahead. For some, the meantime is a time of rest. There are certain things you can release. The meantime can be a time of deep sigh.
So I find myself in the meantime. Within our tradition (United Methodists) the appointments of pastors to churches happens in March or April. Then the transition begins. Finally in the latter part of June, new pastors report to their new churches. So in June, I will be moving to be Lead Pastor at St. Luke Simpson UMC in Lake Charles. La after six years at The Well. During the meantime, I will be saying "goodbye" in one direction and "hello" in the other. It is a difficult thing to leave a church that you have birthed! But I have complete trust in God to continue to work
I am going to use the meantime to continue writing. I am going to use the meantime to heal, rest, and prepare. A new pastor, Matt Rawle, will be welcomed to The Well and its surrounding community. I am using the meantime to pray! I am praying for all churches and pastors who will be going through transition. I will pray for all persons who find themselves in the meantime.
One of the mantras of my faith journey is ever before me though. I repeat it often to myself and to others. It goes like this: Whatever happens today, I know that God is at work for good in the days and years ahead of me. I can count on it! In the meantime.....
Pray for me as I pray for you.