Change is difficult.
I always have to remind myself. Change is something we want someone else to do. You and I can become quite comfortable in life—even in our ugliness.
For a generation the man had sat by the pool. The scriptures tell us that he was blind, lame, and paralyzed. He had been dumped there. The temple folks took care of his basic needs. I imagine that many folks who walked by on a daily basis did not even notice him. Probably in the early days when he heard the water stirring, he would try but with no success. In the latter years, he became content with what life was. He had the explanation down as to why he was where he was. Nothing was going to change.
As I preached on this text last Sunday, I thought about his friends and family. Where were they? Had he run them off? Were they comfortable with just leaving him there? Had they lost hope? Had they become as frustrated with life as he was?
Comfort can lead us into a life that is really too comfortable. I know that I am overweight—I have tried all the diets. This is just who I am! Old dogs cannot learn new tricks. Do you find yourself saying these things?
People who study human behavior tell us that when life is filled with enough discomfort or consequence, people change. Most of the time the change agent is crisis. When I am about to die, THEN I will exercise or eat better.
The faith offers us an alternative. God offers us Jesus. Now most folks think that when Jesus comes into your life, life is easier. The truth is quite the contrary. When Jesus comes into your life, your life is turned upside down. Those whom you never saw in need come to the forefront. The sufferings of the world become your sufferings. Life is not about what you can accumulate or receive. Life is now about what you can give. The Christian life is a life of unrest in this world, while having complete rest in the life to come. Change is a mandate and it begins with you.
Jesus healed the man who was by the pool for 38 years. All the man had to do was to invite Jesus to heal him. And he got up his pallet and walked.
Maybe today is the day that you meet Jesus and your life changes.
Pray for me as I pray for you!