Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Live For the Kingdom!

Do you know folks that just seemingly can not find a direction for their life? They are folks who seem to live life like a pin ball in a pinball machine--bouncing here and there. There is no direction in their life. They are prisoners with no freedom in sight.

This is the weekend we celebrate freedom. Freedom is a great gift that comes from God. However, many of us find that we know we are freed from something but have not clue as to what we will do with our freedom.

Over the years, I have looked for great illustrations of freedom. Nothing beats this one. Those of us who have young ones know the frustration all too well--once we stop laughing. Time to change the diapers. Now rookie parents and grandparents do not have everything ready to do this. So the young one is on the floor most of the time. We take the old diaper off and turn around to get what we have forgotten. Unless you have one hand on the critter, what happens? The young one has escaped! They are running around the house naked as a jaybird. They are free!! Whatever you do, make sure none of the doors are open when you do this. Yes, one of mine escaped to the yard, just running around with no clothes on. We provided the neighbors with regular entertainment of one sort or another.

Now all of this is to say: You are free from sin, free from death, free from guilt--just to name a few. But what are you free for? What are you doing with your life's freedom that gives glory to the kingdom of God?

Freedom has been given to you so that you can make life better. Living in that freedom should bring others closer to the joy of God's presence.

In the book of Romans Paul writes, "But thank God you have started listening to a new master, one whose commands set you free to live openly in his freedom!" Romans 6:15 The Message Today is the day to be set free from sin so that you live for the kingdom of God.

Let this give your life new direction!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Be a Part of The Answer!

Everyone once in a while I hear laughter from the heavens.

If you want a fast start, plug in a bunch of college kids who know a little bit about what they are doing.

We hosted a supper for the group of college kids from the Neuman Center of Sacramento University. They were here to work on the house that is being built in memory of my friend, Joe Monistere. It is a project of the Fuller Center for Housing/Habitat organization. Within four days, the house was almost closed in. The windows and doors were not up yet. What an amazing feat for twenty college kids and some locals thrown in!

One Saturday a month, we have made the commitment to work. We want to be part of the answer to the area's needs! I believe most of our society's problems really have an easier solution if folks would just give their hands and hearts outward.

"Look out! He's got a saw!!" These are the words of my friends. The man who gave it to me had no idea the risk he was creating.

Yes, they know that I am dangerous with tools. I am one of those who is book smart and tool dangerous. My dad would be working on projects and give me something to do far away from him. It was for his own protection.

But I follow directions well. The saw given to me had the blade in backwards (which I did not put in) but it worked. I had been working for a while when one guy tried to tell me to turn the saw around until he too realized the blade was backwards. He then just told me to go ahead. I heard him laugh as he walked away as well.

So I sawed the door openings in the new house. I bothered no one. I got the job done until I had to leave for a funeral. But I was amazed that this group of folks could come together over the next few months and build house for a family. It just takes some coordination along with hearts and hands.

This is the answer to our society's problems. Whether it is housing, education, food, or anything else, our problems can be answered by turning to each other with compassion. Even the dangerous ones like me can help! You can help. Plug in somewhere. Once a month or even more if you are able and willing.

And you too can hear laughter from heaven. I know Joe chuckled as I left that worksite. Everyone else just had a sigh of relief!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fill Your Life With the Spirit!

So what do you like most about birthday parties?

My grandmother Dunn lived to be 102 years old. When she turned 100, we had a great big party! Then when she turned 101, we had another grand party. She lived another year and yes, the party was there.

At her 100th birthday party, I could see that she was getting tired. I went over and bent down in front of her and asked her, "Grandma, is there something I can get you or do for you?" She smiled at me with her gentle eyes glowing. "Yes. Would you please tell all those folks to go home so that I can take my nap!" With that, I rolled her back to her room and the nurse helped her get into her bed to rest.

Remember as a kid how you enjoyed your birthday parties? All of your friends were there. Time was spent planning the party. Who would come? Invitations were given out. On the day of the party, you played games. You opened the presents. The birthday cake was presented and everybody sang. Maybe the cake was in the shape of an animal or a cookie cake. It was special.

This past week was the birthday of the church. We call it Pentecost. It is the time we remember how the early disciples were filled with the power of the living Spirit of God. At the initial experience of the Spirit, the church was unified. It became clear that all of the world would know and understand the love of God. The church was to celebrate the presence of God.

I think the church has forgotten how to celebrate in some ways. Celebration has been replaced with empty ritual. Maybe our piety has gotten in the way. Maybe the emphasis on doing what we have always done has kept us from experiencing God. Maybe we have forgotten that the invitations to the party are to all the children of the world, not just who we like or to the privileged. Maybe there are some of us who are like my grandma, who has just grown tired and needs to rest.

What we do in the church carries over to the rest of life as well. A person who attends the church that is not celebrating the Spirit will likely live the same kind of powerless life. The "ho-hum" walk with God has no energy of the Spirit of God. Birthdays come and go--more gone than anything else.

Maybe it is time for us to become some what like party animals filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit! You do remember that when the disciples experienced the Spirit, there were those who just thought they were drunk! Maybe each day should be filled with the idea of celebrating life.

And then the world will look at those who called themselves Christians and wonder. And then they too will seek what we have!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Make the Journey

He was challenged in too many ways. He was one of those guys who was not mentally or physically sharp. For him, the easy became difficult. From the difficult life, he knew that he had done what God had not intended. Isn't it somewhat strange that even when we are far away from God we know God.

He heard that a local church gave out food and clothing. So he found the church. To get there, he had to rely on public transportation. (I think every American ought to have to travel by public transportation for one month each year just to understand how difficult life can be relying on public transportation) So the journey was longer than it was for most folks.

He arrived at the church where he was greeted by one of the church members who volunteers. She graciously welcome him and cared for his needs. He thought it was strange as he picked up his groceries from the altar of the church--where worship was held. He noticed that there was a small altar near by so he stopped and prayed. He wept as he prayed. Picking up his bags of food and clothing he left. Before he left, the woman hugged him and assured him of God's love.

During the weeks that followed, the woman who cared for him would see him at the church to get food and things he needed. Each time she noticed that before his left he would pray. Each time she noticed that he would leave weeping.

Finally one day as he was leaving with his eyes full of tears, she asked him why each time he left he was filled with tears. He told her that he left the church each time burdened by his sinfulness and emptiness in life. She replied with the words, "Jesus has died to allow you to be free from your sins! Come Sunday to worship and receive Jesus as your Savior!" It was as if no one had told him part that part of the story. She told him that she would meet him at 10 a.m. at the door Sunday morning. He assured her that he would be there.

Sunday morning she stood at the door at 10 a.m. He did not arrive. She waited at the door throughout the service. He did not arrive. Towards the end of the service, she finally went to the altar. She was so disappointed. He was not coming. She knelt with a friend and lifted him in prayer asking God to relieve the burden from his life that was already difficult.

As she ended her prayer, she turned to return to her seat and through the door she saw him arrive. He was dressed up in a coat with an old tie that was way too long for him. He apparently had thought there was a dress code in coming to church. His clothes were wringing wet with perspiration. He ran to meet her. "Am I too late to receive Jesus as my Savior?"

She assured him he was never too late. She gathered the prayer team of the church along with the pastor. They prayed with him. He wept again. But when the rose to his feet he did so with a new confidence that all could see.

"I thought you were not coming" she said to him. And then he explained. He had left his house three hours early to make sure he would get there. The bus schedule for the weekend is entirely different than during the weekday schedule that he was used to. He had caught three different buses to get within a mile and half of the church. And then that last mile and a half, he RAN to get to the worship service.

As I heard this story at our Annual Conference this week, I was deeply moved. There was a church who had reached out to those who were in need. There was a compassionate greeter or church lady that invited. And there was a child of God who needed to know that in the most difficult places in life, there is a Savior that wants to lift your life's burdens.

It also made me think of how easy so many of us have it to make it to worship and we are a no show. We will not make the journey.

Life is difficult. Do not journey alone. Make the journey to worship God. Your life will never be the same.