For those who read this column regularly this is going to be old news. But for new readers I have to make the point. When it comes to using tools and fixing things, I am dangerous. There is no tool that I cannot use for destruction. But sometimes, even I surprise myself.
The story starts with my shower. My shower was not really a shower. It was a slow dribble. Ever since we moved into the house, it was this way. It was one of those things on the punch list that did not get punched.
The other thing is that I hate to take things to get fixed. I am a procrastinator about getting things fixed. I am just not a maintenance person at all. I usually wait until it breaks. It is not one of my favorite things about myself, but it is what it is.
So the dribble shower has been this way for about, oh three years. The good thing is that no one else wants to use my shower. But finally, I decided to fix it. What harm could I do?
I found a wrench and used all of my wrenching abilities to take the shower head off. And yes, the excess water that is in the pipe did go all over me. I called it a blessing from God. We Methodists, like sprinklings! Then I discovered the problem--a small filter or stopper was in the pipe. I do not know if it is supposed to be there or not, but even I could see how water was not flowing from it at all.
I decided that my shower water could flow without a filter so I just put the head back on without the filter there. Then it happened. My shower is a full force shower again--or for the first time!! Some plumber's dream of a dribbling shower was over. I get the full force now.
It made me think of God's blessings. I think of the ways in which I along with others in life dam up the blessings that God intends for us. How many times do I settle for less when God has intended only the best!! God's blessings are flowing far greater than we are receiving not because of God but because of us!
Where is God offering you more than you can ever imagine? Risk it. The blessings will flow!!