Monday, October 25, 2010

Let The Blessings Flow!!!

For those who read this column regularly this is going to be old news. But for new readers I have to make the point. When it comes to using tools and fixing things, I am dangerous. There is no tool that I cannot use for destruction. But sometimes, even I surprise myself.

The story starts with my shower. My shower was not really a shower. It was a slow dribble. Ever since we moved into the house, it was this way. It was one of those things on the punch list that did not get punched.

The other thing is that I hate to take things to get fixed. I am a procrastinator about getting things fixed. I am just not a maintenance person at all. I usually wait until it breaks. It is not one of my favorite things about myself, but it is what it is.

So the dribble shower has been this way for about, oh three years. The good thing is that no one else wants to use my shower. But finally, I decided to fix it. What harm could I do?

I found a wrench and used all of my wrenching abilities to take the shower head off. And yes, the excess water that is in the pipe did go all over me. I called it a blessing from God. We Methodists, like sprinklings! Then I discovered the problem--a small filter or stopper was in the pipe. I do not know if it is supposed to be there or not, but even I could see how water was not flowing from it at all.

I decided that my shower water could flow without a filter so I just put the head back on without the filter there. Then it happened. My shower is a full force shower again--or for the first time!! Some plumber's dream of a dribbling shower was over. I get the full force now.

It made me think of God's blessings. I think of the ways in which I along with others in life dam up the blessings that God intends for us. How many times do I settle for less when God has intended only the best!! God's blessings are flowing far greater than we are receiving not because of God but because of us!

Where is God offering you more than you can ever imagine? Risk it. The blessings will flow!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sometimes You Just Can't Dance

In one of the towns where I served, I had a great friendship with Chris, a Pentecostal preacher. Some folks said we looked alike. Sometimes in the grocery stores, his parishioners would talk to Brother Chris only to discover it was not him.

On occasion, Chris would invite me to his church on Sunday night. Methodist gave up on Sunday evening church years ago. Chris said he loved to hear a good Methodist prayer. I took that as a compliment. A good Methodist prayer is one that is to the point, reverent, relevant, and filled with the hope of God presence--at least in my book. It also is not too long. Methodists do not pray long. My Dad says we are current in our prayer life. Before praying at Dad's house, he would ask you if you were current in your prayer life. He did not want you using his time to catch up!

So one Sunday evening I am in worship at Chris' church. I notice a little lady not too far from me. The lady is dressed up in a little country looking outfit. Minny Pearl or Dale Evans would have been proud to wear this outfit. It had the matching hat and skirt. She was "doodied up" as we would say in North Louisiana.

The lady was a dancer. Now Methodist churches used to not have as many dancers in worship as they do now. Dancing has reappeared in our tradition, at least in some houses of worship. So each song, this little lady would hit the aisle dancing. She was so filled with the Spirit. The joy of God was seen in her dancing.

Until one song was played. Then the dancing stopped. Now the dancing did not stop for the lack of trying. The lady tried time and time again to dance to the song playing. She would take a few steps only to go back to the pew and just stand. Then she would try again only to find herself back at the pew.

You see, there are some songs in life that you just can't dance t0--a broken friendship, hurt feelings that will not be expressed, suffering, loss, loneliness, despair--and the list goes on. Try as we may, the dancing just does not fit the song. The song continues without our dance though
Maybe it is there that we just need a good Methodist prayer. One that is current, reverent, relevant, to the point, and yes, pointing us to the hope of God's presence and power. When you can not dance, you can always pray. You can even use the time to catch up. God is always listening.
Pray for m e as I pray for you.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Be Ready!

I know that Les Miles, the coach of LSU, has more help than he ever wanted with coaching. But add one more to the list.

Coach, ya might want to have a three play set ready for when the time is running out and you need a score. Pick three plays and run them over enough times that the team knows how to do them in their sleep.

I have thought about this in reference to being ready in the faith. I have come to two conclusions. Let me share them with you.

First, you have to know your answer to temptation BEFORE you get there. Your response must have a definite plan. Let me give some examples. Teenagers must decide long before they get in the situation about how far they will go with regards to sexuality. If you wait and decide when you get there, it is too late. Married folks have to have a plan to keep their vows if temptation find its way in their life. There are people whom you just have to avoid to keep your marriage well.

All persons are tempted. If someone says they are not, run from them. Faithful persons have a plan in tact for escaping temptation or avoiding the situations where temptations are the highest. What is at stake is of far greater value than the moment of giving in.

Second, be ready to share what God is doing in your life. My congregation gets sick of hearing this. Each Christian should have a four minute elevator speech that says how God is at work in their life today. This should be well rehearsed and ready to go out on a moment's notice. One of the major problems the church faces today is the inability or refusal of persons to share how blessed they are in a church. All the world usually hears is the griping and complaining of those who have a "grudge" against something in the church! Share the good news so that people will want to come to visit your church! Share your faith so that others will be drawn to the source of your faith.

Waiting to develop a plan or knowing what to share is a sure way to lose. You may "squeak" by a few times but it will catch up with you. Make a plan to face temptation (to win!) and be ready to share what God is doing in your life.

Les, (we are on a first name basis) are you ready?